Genesis & evolution of Bharat Rashtra Samithi

Update: 2022-10-09 01:15 IST

'It is not a hasty decision to float a national party' declared TRS founder President and Telangana Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao, while moving a resolution changing the name of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) to Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), on the auspicious Dussehra Day, the 5th October 2022,with a view to expanding its activities nationwide and receiving recognition as a national political party sooner or later.


Yes, KCR is cent per cent right when he said so. A chronology of developments preceding the evolution of BRS prove this. In fact, KCR's determination to enter national politics is not an overnight compulsion as some of his critics try to distort, but a solemn thought given almost four-and-a-half years ago. On March 3, 2018 itself, addressing a large gathering of local and up-country media at his official camp office Pragathi Bhavan, he powerfully advocated, for the first time, for a qualitative change in the country's politics which had been in a rut with simmering discontent among the people on the two main national parties, the BJP and Congress. Without any ambiguity, KCR hinted at playing a key role on national political landscape. He also announced that he would soon come up with a National Development Agenda to put the country on the trajectory of development.

Towards this direction, CM KCR phase-wise held a series of consultations either virtually or face to face with intellectuals, experts from various fields and political bigwigs at the all-India level. They included various organisations, associations, individuals, retired All-India Service Officers like IAS, IPS, IFS and IRS; legal luminaries and advocates; farmers' associations, employees' associations of all states, economists, former Finance Secretaries, media houses, journalists, industrial houses, labor organizations etc. KCR went to several states to meet like-minded non-BJP, non-Congress leaders and briefed them on the need for qualitative change and enlist their support.

Soon KCR's call for qualitative change in politics resonated well with people's expectations. A nationwide discussion among intellectuals, politicians, media etc., followed. KCR who had in his mind the successful Telangana model of development, being a statesman, envisioned India to be reinvented and reoriented similarly to make it great.

Leveraging country's economy and drafting a policy framework to understand where the country is lagging behind is the need of the hour as spelt out by KCR. Structural changes in social, judiciary, legislature and administration areas are required. "Unifying people should be the national development agenda before the team that campaigns for qualitative change," articulated KCR.

As the days passed, KCR, as and when opportunity had arisen, has been airing his views on the national level issues at various platforms concretizing on issues like federal spirit, cooperative federalism, Centre-State relations, status quo power politics at the Centre, farmers' issues, divisive politics, devolution of funds etc. He also started sensitising people and like-minded individuals from different strata, about the unfortunate situation that the country is put in with no option, no other choice but to choose between BJP and Congress. A non-BJP, non-Congress government at the Center led by a new national party was mooted.

During the last week of March 2018, KCR, participating in a discussion on appropriation bill in the State Assembly, gave a clear message that his idea of a national alternative for a qualitative change was to unite all sections of people across states for the development of the country with a common agenda. He explicitly hinted at the formation of a national party. His forethought was to accord high importance by leveraging India and the Indian economy to meet the current as well as future needs of the people.

Converting the enormous amount of black money into white money; Tax policy with better incentives for infrastructure development; Parliament supremacy; Judicial, electoral, administrative and other reforms; equal distribution and optimum utilization of available water; 'Every Acre Water…Every land Water…Every farmer Water; permanent Finance Commission; reform-oriented agricultural policy; minimum wages to small and marginal employees etc., among others, were part of a proposed gigantic national agenda.

Speaking at the 17thTRS plenary on 27th April 2018, KCR affirmatively and categorically declared that, 'I shall leave no stone unturned for working towards the progress of our country and I shall pledge all the strength that God gave me for this. I shall repeat the same spirit and zeal with which I made it a reality in achieving the Telangana State and shaping Bangaru (Golden) Telangana.' KCR also made it crystal clear that he shall influence national politics from Hyderabad and simultaneously the fragrances of rose flower will be sprinkled all over the country and shall liberate this country from the clutches of BJP and Congress parties. Concluding his address, KCR said 'Jai Telangana…Jai Bharath'.

Consequent to landslide victory of TRS in the December 2018 elections to state assembly, CM KCR addressing media made no secret of his determination once again, to emerge as a key person in the national political scenario and also initiate formation of a new national political party in the country very soon and declared 'Hame ek Congress mukht aur BJP mukht Bharat chahiye (We need a Congress-free and BJP-free India).'

Launching the TRS Lok Sabha Elections campaign in Karimnagar on March 17, 2019 KCR vociferously declared that he would not hesitate to set up a National Party after the Lok Sabha elections. During the March 2022 State Assembly Sessions, KCR made an illuminating comment on statecraft that for him 'politics is a task and not a game.' In the TRS plenary on April 27, 2022 he once again articulated the need for an 'alternative agenda' for the country. During May 2022 during his visits to meet like-minded political leaders, KCR declared that there would be 'sensation in National Politics' soon. On June 2, 2022 the state formation day KCR in his address said that it was his duty to fight against the politics of hatred to protect the interests of the country.

Reiterating and reinforcing his active entry into national politics, KCR at a public meeting held in Peddapally on 29 August 2022 asserted the formation of a farmers' government at the Centre after the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. For the first time, KCR gave an unequivocal call for 'BJP-Mukt Bharat' to protect the country from the harmful divisive forces and in the process envisioned the formation of farmers' government at the Centre.

Thus, over a period, the seeds of national party were sown which became sprouts, saplings, plants and trees. Now it is time the branches are scattered all over the country.

When a statesman leader like KCR brings out various issues pertaining to country and offers solutions through his national agenda and leads a national party, it will be taken seriously. And when he speaks convincingly, it will be like the raining of Atom Bombs.

Country needs a new direction as seventy-five years have passed since independence. India needs a momentous change and it is possible if only the political system is changed as the so called two national political parties and the present political system failed the nation miserably.

At a time when there is a gap for right leadership in the country, the leadership of a statesman of KCR caliber is highly essential and, hence the need for BRS.



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