Kashmir needs an assuring hand of support

Update: 2022-06-05 01:46 IST

Not only the nation but the entire world is watching the plights of thePandits in Kashmir. The communal hate promoted by organisations for their vested interests is increasing perhaps to put the nation on election mode. Increase in such incidents encourage the targetted groups to go further close to terrorist elements who claim promotion of their religion as objective. Though such claims are understood by all as a mere cover up victims and targetted groups tend to seek resort in the hands of terrorist elements as natural fallout.


Successive governments,by neglecting the State in terms of socio- economic development, have failed utterly in bringing the people of Kashmir close to the nation. The State is always seen in communal angle though it has the potentials to develope with enough resources of manpower and nature's abundant offerings.

The present government's communally motivated act of abrogating Article 370 instead of bringing the people of the State close to the national mainstream has done it otherwise.

At least now by keeping aside the communal agenda and placing focus on development the people themselves may gain confidence and shoulder the responsibility of keeping the terrorists elements at an inaccessible distance.

Nothing could be achieved without the confidence and cooperation of the locals. Local population is always an inevitable component in achieving peace and progress.Let us wish the ruling dispensation accepts and adopts this to provide a peaceful atmosphere for the Pandits in plight and also for all in Kashmir.

A G Rajmohan, Anantapur



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