Making Bharath The Vishwa Guru

Narendra Modi had been dreaming of the ‘VikasitBharath’ (Developed Bharath) with the spirit of ‘Antyodaya’ prior to becoming Prime Minister of our country itselfas his ‘Sankalpa’ (Intention). He categorised the priorities for the nation and the people in his each term toensure social and structural reforms.
It is very clear that Modi always roots for ‘Inclusive Growth’if we examine his nine-and-a-half years as the PM, in his roadmap for the country in the next 25 years of ‘AmruthKaal’ to become ‘Viswaguru’ by 2047.
The Prime Minister initiated the ‘Viksit Bharat SankalpYatra’ on15 November 2023 from Khunti of Jharkhand on the auspicious occasion of theJana JatiGaurava Divas, the birth anniversary of tribal icon Birsa Munda, with an aim toprovide 100% assistance to all the eligible unreached beneficiaries with the spirit of Antyodaya concept, to ensure awareness about the Central government schemes, to interact with the beneficiaries of the schemes and to enroll the eligible of the unreached population. As per information, this Yatra covers 2.6 lack panchayats and more than 4,000 urban local bodies.
I (the author) also attended the Yatra for 4days in Vijayawada, Ongole and Bapatla Parliamentary Constituencies, including inJayavaramand KakuturivariPalem panchayats in Tanguturmandal of Kondapi Assembly andRajampalli panchayat in Darsi rural mandal of Darsi Assembly in Ongole Parliament segment, and BapatlaParliament segment’sKandlagunta Panchayat in Naguluppalapadumandalin Santhanuthalapadu Assembly. We heard people relate their experiences and growth during the Modi regime. As far as farmers are concerned, mainly small and marginal farmers said they were doubling their income, as per the aspirations of Prime Minister.
Around 50 lakh families of farmers are availing “PM KisanSammanNidhi“ scheme of Rs 6,000per annum in three equalinstalments as crop investment assistance since 2019. They are getting fertilizer subsidy from the Centre at Rs 2,000on each bag, which works out to around Rs15,000 crore for Andhra Pradesh alone. The ‘FasalBheemaYojana’ forcrop insurance benefits nearly 7 million people with Kisan Credit Cards in Andhra Pradesh, helping them to avail credit from banks, with 2% interest subvention and 3% interestincentive for prompt repayment, resulting in a net interest at 4% only. Nano technology for liquid urea helps cut wastage and protects the health of farmers too.
Centre also extends drones financing with 50% subsidy for SHGs to help small and marginalfarmers to sprinkle nano urea mix in their fields. Apart from this, the Union government is providing 25% to 60%subsidy through ‘KrishiSanchaiYojana’ to encourage minor irrigation systems.The concept of “Anthyodaya“has been extended fairly in favour of eligible BPLfamilies through the “Vikas Bharat SankalpaYatra.”Modi ji is realising guarantees with 100% saturation in the implementation of welfare measures, reaching out to remote ST thandas, while many political parties are only mentioning them as guarantees in manifestos.
Apart from these, the Central government is providing 5 kg free rice for 80 crore individuals in the country, including 2.67 crore inthe Andhra Pradesh, since Corona first lockdown in April 2020under ‘GareebKalyan Anna Yojana (GKAY). It has been now extended for another five years. As far as Andhra Pradesh is concerned, it is getting subsidy worth Rs 16,000 crore under this scheme. It is also helping ODF scheme under Swacha Bharat. More than3 crore houses are sanctioned funds the PMAYand 25 lakh houses are sanctionedfor Andhra Pradesh. Construction is delayed due tonegligence from the State government.
And, there is Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM ) for safe tap drinking water to every house in rural India with Rs3.75 lakh crores assistance equally borne by Central and State governments. But, Andhra Pradesh is not properly releasing its matchinggrants.
Further, nearly 11 crore eligible families in the country are availing of health Insurance for Rs 5 lakh under ‘Ayushman Bharat’ available at 2,322network hospitals in Andhra Pradesh.
Central government is also sanctioning LPG gas connections on the spot in the ‘ViksitSankalpa Bharat Yatra’ at “Modi Guarantee Vehicle” at the door steps of everyvillage in Andhra Pradesh. The Narendra Modi government has transferred Rs 35 lakh crores so far in the past 9.5 years into 50 croreJandhanaccounts. More than Rs3 lakh crores has been availed in Andhra Pradesh alone. Covid19 lockdown uncertainty created hardshipsfor the small and marginal street vendors who are served by the Union government though the banks under the scheme of “PMsvanidhi.” Street vendors and hawkers can avail Rs 10,000 loan on the first timesanction with interest subsidy. If the first time loan is repaid on time, then next time theloan amount is raised to Rs25,000 for their business needs with lower interestrates, reducing their dependency on private lenders who charge higher interest rates.
PM Narendra Modi is giving priority to encouraging the 18 categories of handicraft workers with a budget of Rs 13,000 crore under “Viswa Karma Yojana“ for providing the financial assistancewith subsidy and tools worth Rs 15,000 free of cost along with thetraining to upgrade their skills. Those who are eligible but not registered yet can avail of the scheme during the ‘Vikasa Bharat SankalpYatra’ for availing the benefits of these schemes.
VikasaSankalpa Bharat aims at inclusive growth of all categories of peopleirrespective of caste, creed, region or religion, with the motive of SabkaaSaat (With all the people), SabkaaVikas (For the development of all the people), SabkaaViswas (With the confidence of all the people),SabkaaPrayas( With the involvement of all the people).
PM’s objective is that all the BPL families prosper during the next 25 years of AmritKalso that Bharath can emerge as Viswa Guru as the number one economy in theworld by 2047.
(Writer is the Chief Spokesperson of AP BJP)