'Our World: A Symphony of Drabbles by Three Generations' A literary fantasy

Update: 2020-11-01 00:50 IST

‘Our World: A Symphony of Drabbles by Three Generations’ A literary fantasy

Three generations! Three authors! Eighty-six short pieces between them make up this symphony… of drabbles, as it were.

While Gen Z+ would hail it as 'wow', we of the older gen who've seen our own versions of X, Y, Z are just bowled over by the novelty of its ultra-short format, alchemising this literary fantasy of emotions in merely hundred words each. That's what a 'drabble' does… tells a story in precisely hundred words, neither more nor less!


Move aside Flash Fiction! You're passe now! Like Flash Dance, facing Covid, cowering to an inglorious retreat! Now dynamic D has come, resilient after C! Ruskin Bond advises opportunely, "A drabble a day should keep the doctors away".

Offering a wide-ranging treat from simple to quixotic, ordinary to extraordinary, natural to supernatural, imagination to intuition, static to kinetic, human to superhuman, and many more, this latest release can be really a game-changer for any potential drabbler from Gen A to Z!!! Caution: it's easier said than done, so try at your own peril!

Ishika's drabbles are quite poetic in their imaginative sweep across time and space. She's also deft in twisting the tale at the end, like Messi dribbling the ball past the keeper, which echoes in her own original style some of the comic turns in her grandfather Sahai's tales while her mother Ruchi's wordplay in unknotting the complexities of life just leaves the reader spellbound. Genetically connected no wonder, one exclaims!

The apparent innocence floating on the verbal surface is like the tip of an iceberg, hiding deep layers of meaning, like English pride and prejudice against foreigners in the first drabble. But I don't wish to unravel more, taking away your excitement of unboxing the goody of gifts yourself!

So ladies & gentlemen, friends & folks, what's holding you up? Just dive headlong, start swimming, and with each stroke down - front, back, side, breast, free or just butterfly - come up, scooping pearls of wisdom!

Beware! of the one and only fear, of these drabbles drowning you in your memories, for they appear short but aren't shallow! So begin unriddling 'Our World' and much more, maybe your own unwritten drabbles! Happy reading!!



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