Clean up drive at University of Hyderabad
Update: 2019-11-18 01:35 IST

Hyderabad: University Sanitary staff and Wild Lens team has conducted 'Clean Up Drive' of old nursery in University of Hyderabad (UoH). With the motto, " Our Campus- Our Responsibility" the team has conducted earlier lakes clean up drives, School of Life Science Clean up drive.
Wild Lens Team founder Dr. Ravi Jillapalli thanked the Honorable Registrar Shri P Sardar Singh, Dy.Registrar A Srinivasa Rao, Section Officer B.Mallesh , Shankar Naik and their staff for making it a successful program. Students who participated in the event are Karthik Jirra, Raghu Ghanapuram, Gowtham Bandi.