Don't make children examinophobics

Update: 2020-02-11 00:31 IST

"Strength is life, weakness is death "– this remark of Vivekananda laid its emphasis on the need for intractability is a very essential trait for a human being for survival. However, after passing out of their childhood humans are thrown into schools where their sturdiness turns fragile. This is due to the existing education system and its design.

To assess the learning outcomes of our younger generations our system has acclimatised to use only written examination though it has failed to assess and realising the remark of Evangelist TC Wanyanwu "The difference between good and poor student is result". This situation should have to be changed otherwise education will become a synonym for examinations.


The sole intention of schooling and its objective presently is that the children should have to get a good GPA instead of meaningful learning and rational thinking. The public and private educational institutions are working for marks, not for the socialisation of the child. The classrooms are confined to only complete syllabus and to administer exams not to make them compete. Both the parent tribe and teacher tribe have become extra cautious about examinations and creating more anxiety in children that is mounting stress on those young minds. The thought of exams making the younger generations attain more frenzy - psychologically, mentally, emotionally and physically.

It is our fate that all the educated and elite are ignoring the remark of Amit Klantri about exams" School exams are memory tests; in real-world, no one is going to stop you from referring a book to solve a problem" and making the young generations as examinophobics. Further, though there are various tools for testing the memory of the child our schools are opting for the only written test because it is easy to administer and assess. But the thought of examination and the focus of the stakeholders of the system reflects how we made a memory test as everything of education.

The academicians should have to think about to design the other tool that can bring the best out of the child. However, the government has introduced the grading system to reduce the impact of the marks on a system that system also has become the measuring rod for the scholastic achievement of the student. It is a wonder that education has been considered as the kingly way of all-round development but it is promoting only cock-eyed development.

It was so right the utterance of Laura Henry "Your exam results do not define you as a person and /or predict future" but the approach of the teachers and parents is quite reverse to this remark. They are anticipating more from their children and their low achievement making them more stigmatized. This is triggering more stress on the young minds and they were compelled to become bookworms surrendering all their wishes to the aspirations of parents and teachers. This alteration is making them as "examinophobics" and the system is elevating this psycho-emotional trait by creating more flimflam about before the release of the schedule of the exams.

The parents and teachers should have to know the exam stress that they are mounting on the children is bringing various psycho-emotional, behavioral changes among them. It is not only encouraging "Testophobia/examinophobia" but also promoting "suicidal ideation". So, the parent and teacher tribes should have to act like matured mentors and support their wards by recognizing the significance in the words of Lailah Gifty Akita(Pearls of wisdom: Great mind) "If you fail an examination, it means you have not yet mastered the subject, With diligent study and understanding, you will succeed in passing the exams". Forget not all the great people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are not the best performers in academics but excelled with their creativity and industry.



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