Graphology an effective tool for positive parenting

Update: 2021-02-28 00:58 IST

Parenting is the most fulfilling job that we will ever have, but it's comes with lots of challenges. Modern family and nuclear family concept has made the life very stressful and full of pressure.

The parent child relationship is one that nurture the physical emotional and social development of the child this relationship plays the foundation for the child's personality ,life choices and overall behaviour there are situations and circumstances where parents find really difficult to read their child's mind their behaviour turns out to be a great reason of worry. Well I am going to talk about how graphology will help parents to understand their child Better by gaining needful insight of the child .Graphology is very interesting yet less explored tool that can work wonders and can act as a bridge between parents and children turning out to be boon in terms of effective tools for positive parenting.


How Graphology can help parents

There are situations in life whena child is unable to express verbally or confide to his parents or teacher about anxiety, sexual abuse, depression, low self-esteem, fears and many more. Graphology helps in the diagnosis of these problems in children and helps them to overcome these setbacks.When parents start taking graphology as a medium of healing, they are giving their child a bridge to overcome fear. This enables a child to showcase their talents, providing the right direction towards one's goals, nurturing the child's abilities and allowing them to work and improve on weakness. Graphology can help parents, teachers and guardians to understand a child better in the following ways:

i) Career choice: By properly analysing a child's handwriting, graphologists get a clear view of their interests and skills which in turn helps to direct the kid towards his dream career without imposing on them a career which has no link with the child's personality.

ii) Emotional Turbulence: Graphology not only detects a problem but also provides a solution by suggesting changes in handwriting thereby removing mental blocks, negative thinking and improving self esteem. Graph therapy is extremely useful for adolescents.

iii) To understand a child better: Various unsaid aspects of children's personality gets reflected in their handwriting. You can uncover symptoms of depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, addictions if any and take timely measures to rectify the problem.

Graphology will help you to "analyze" your child's writing patterns, with his/her consent through a professional. As a parent, you can even get certified in the art of Graphology and use it to analyze or diagnose for anyone in need – ethically. And the most beautiful thing about this subject is that you can understand your kid without troubling him with complicated questions and tests.

To introduce you to this area, let me explain how this science acts:


There are usually 3 zones which are studied during a handwriting analysis. These zones are associated with imagination and desires of a person.

i) The upper zone: This zone represents the realm of the mind. It represents abstract thinking, fantasy, imagination, ideas, illusions, philosophy. If your kid has philosophical attributes, it will get reflected in this zone.

ii) The middle zone: The middle zone represents what and How person thinks of himself with respect to other people around him. If your child is egoist or suffering from insecurity also if your kid is happy or not with his life can be understood by analysing this zone.

iii) The lower zone: The lower zone reveals the person's attitude toward his home life; body; basic drives for sustenance, money, health and the world of his libido.

Some people do not have this "perfect" zone balance all the time. One zone may dominate the other zone. And this where graphology comes to the rescue. Let us now understand what happens when a specific zone is more dominant in a person:

Dominating upper zone: Dominating upper zone means that the person is theoretical over practical. They have readily available ideas, plans, or scheme, but there's no basis in reality.

Dominating middle zone: Dominating middle zone is often described as egotistical and immature like a child. The trait indicates someone who is overly concerned with outward appearances and matters of immediate moment.

Dominating lower zone: If the lower zone is more dominant, it signifies that the person is more driven by material and the physical aspects of life; the basic drives. The obsession with or more of the following: his body, money and attitude toward loved ones, family or sexuality.

Everything from the thickness of the alphabets to the spacing between letters, words and lines are indicators of unique personality traits. The manner in which a person holds a pen or pencil in their hand is all under the control of the muscles of the hand, palm and fingers, and as we know, all the parts of the body are directly connected to the brain. The way ones breathing patterns change based on the person's emotional, physical and psychological status is also seen in the writing patterns which vary in each alphabet.

Children around the age of 10-12 years whose writing is usually left slant are holding their feeling and emotion from people around them. They prefer to be aloof and will not show the spontaneity in their reactions to varying degrees. They have a tendency to remain emotionally distant as they hold back their feeling from people around them. The seeds of such personality traits begin through childhood and are expressed in the form of a cold attitude One of the reason behind such behaviour is every time he or she expressed themselves before their parents, they snapped at them or just ignored them.

Children around the age of 10-12 years whose writing is usually left slant are holding their feeling and emotion from people around them. They prefer to be aloof and will not show the spontaneity in their reactions to varying degrees.

They have a tendency to remain emotionally distant as they hold back their feeling from people around them. The seeds of such personality traits begin through childhood and are expressed in the form of a cold attitude. One of the reason behind such behaviour is every time he or she expressed themselves before their parents, they snapped at them or just ignored them. Graphology is a useful tool for parents in identifying and understanding their child's emotional issues.

Over the years of experience in interacting with children, I do believe that parents need to be vigilant and alert to understand what emotions running through their child's mind.Young children who grow with a secure and healthy attachment to their parents stand a better chance of developing happy and content relationships with others in their life.

Also, it is important to know that the responsiveness of every child differs from one another. While one may casually overlook a few instances, if certain aspects come to the forefront at an early stage, parents are better equipped to make more informed decisions that can help their child grow into a happy and strong individual. Lastly, I believe the signs are all out there for us to see, it is what we choose to see and what we make of those signs that help us grow and develop ourselves. If nothing, let your handwriting do the unsaid talking. Connection starts with listening. Try and see things from your child's perspective and foster mutual respect.

(The author is a graphologist and forensic expert)



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