Make your kid's vacation fruitful

Update: 2019-05-04 00:41 IST
Make your kid’s vacation fruitful

It's time for vacations, Time to forget the boring study sessions, We all have fun and joy, And we really enjoy. We go around the world from east to west,And we find it the best……..

I recited these lines of KomalValimbe poem to my kids. Further, I know the wishes of their tender hearts. I know, The children really need a vacation from all their regular activities to enjoy and to evolve. We as the parents are having precious childhood memories that are to be spilled before our mates and again collected to preserve safely in memory traces. But, in the due course of time, we have forgotten the significance of childhood and its impact of an individual growth we are making our children as captives.


We the parents aren't allowing them to fly according to their ideas that are sprouted in his mind. As a child I know how my summers were made fruitful at my grandma's village with the activities like swimming with peers, preparing toys with the dried stems of Maize, Preparing Neem Bajji a recipe with the combination of tamarind flowers and ripenedneem fruits, preparing small utensils toys with clay, playing king and thieves at night times.

Oh..It's a really tough job to enunciate the joy. These acts have instilled self-confidence, creativity, social-adjustment, leadership qualities whatnot..But today as a parent I am not allowing my kids to do all these things in the name of parenting...What a cruel injustice?

I know very well the significance of the remark of Tom Stoppard" If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older". Yet, I am not allowing my kids because of their insecurity and I won't to become an unknown shield for them in all areas. This is making my kids more timid and dependent on me and giving more opportunities for me to do more to my kids.

This elevates my role as a parent in the society and I will snatch the attention from all sides. I made them as multicellular parasites that will depend on me for all their needs and necessities. I always made them peep into their academic books and gave parties to my colleagues for obtaining good scorecards. I never allowed them to utilize their leisure times properly and always forced them to be engaged with the academic activity.

With my attention, they have excelled in their academics and flew away to do jobs overseas. Now, I am a proud father because my two kids have grown to certain heights and the decent packages made them as millionaires. But on one bad morning, I got a call from my younger son that his elder is no more because he fell and drowned in the pool on his friend's birthday party.

This is really an unimaginable turn in my life and made my eyes open to identify what a kid really needs to sail of his life without any hardship. –This was a parent's story who is well known to me and thought that education only leads his kid to wished destination but ignored about life skills.

It was aptly remarked by the Harold Ramis "How one handles success or failure is determined by their early childhood ". So, childhood plays an important role in an individual's life and the best practices of childhood will prepare the child for life.

So, my dear parents don't force your children to become a book bug even in the holidays and allow them to chill out where ever they find joy. Leave them for a while and allow them to do whatever they want. It is not correct them to compel them to attend for summer crash courses etc.Plan your kid's vacation to realize the Linda Bloom's remark "Vacations are necessities, not luxuries"

After the completion of your kids will recall these lines KomalValimbe

Days just fly, And we get bored again. Missing the school teachers and friends. Waiting desperately for the vacations to end. I want to go back to school again....!!!! so, my dear parents ..Make your kid's vacation more successful.



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