Open yourself to technology-induced career options

Update: 2020-02-06 01:09 IST

User experience design

The fast growing technologies of the 21st century age have also made the web sites and web applications complicated to use. The development and application of websites are not one-way traffic. The websites launching companies are now very much concerned about the feedback of the users. They want to know how much a particular website is useful for the users. They also want to know the utility level of the various websites and their applications. Many professionals work to get the feedbacks of the customers and the process is called as User Experience Design (UEX).


The User Experience Design professionals consistently stay in contact with the user of the various websites, applications and software and from them get the essential feedback to make much-needed corrections in them to make them more user-friendly and useful. The term User Experience was coined by Dr. Donald Norman who intended to make the websites and their applications user-centric. This is the latest avenue of career market and which is full of possibilities of jobs. Any professional having degree and diploma in computer science and with the skill in programming language and photoshop can prove to be an ideal candidate to get the jobs in this sector of career seeded with very handsome pay package.


You must have seen the old-age television, camera, watches, desktop and various other electronic equipments and devices of very abnormal sizes with their parts protruding outside. But due to the latest information technology innovation and scientific breakthrough the sizes of devices and gazettes have undergone drastic changes. With the passage of time all these equipments are getting smaller and smaller every day. This miracle has become possible due to what we all call as the nanotechnology. For the reparation of these extraordinary smaller equipments and gazettes we need special technicians who are called as nanotechnicians. These technicians work on molecular level and repair the equipments very perfectly. For the job opportunities in nanotechnology an aspiring candidate requires the degrees in organic chemistry with specialization in molecular biology and micro fabrication

STEM cell research

The practical application of stem research cell is made for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer, cancer and other spinal cord injuries. However, the use of stem cells has sparked a row in the medical science yet its vital role in curing some critical diseases cannot be undermined. There is no denying the fact that in the coming years this area of uber scientific advancements will create huge job opportunities which can prove to be a lucrative and bright career option.

Waste management consultant

All the scientific advancements and technological innovations have also their flip side and this is eating into the accelerated growth rate, especially of the European developed nations. The 'E-Waste', the electronic waste, is proving the latest environmental crisis of the modern age. Even the developing nations are also falling vulnerable to the problem of what we may call waste management. If the e-waste is not properly disposed of then the lead and other hazardous chemical in it may prove to be fatal for the health of the human beings. For the fast disposal of these e-waste we require the qualified youths with the master in biology and chemistry as well as professional degrees in garbage disposal management.

Virtual reality

This is yet another latest technology which has immense potential to change the way we look at the world and the manner we live our lives. It is the technology of experiencing the halo of things, which do not exist in real, through internet-equipped computers. For example with the technology of virtual reality one can find himself to be immersed in the things which we watch on the screen on television.

Given the versatility of this advanced technology the least we can expect that it is poised to create an array of job opportunities in the upcoming decades, especially in the segments of health, education, aviation, real estate, games and entertainment, film and fashion and a lot of others which even the scientists are not yet very much clear and confident about. They say that technology is the engine of development of a nation. The 21st century-India is on the cusp of leading the nations across the world in the technological advancement and holistic development very shortly in the decades to come.



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