Power of critical thinking

Update: 2021-01-23 22:20 IST

Power of critical thinking

Our potential for thinking can either pave a way or block a path. Most of us are not aware of the impact of thinking in our lives. Thinking is mostly influenced by our decision making habits and our innate personality. We need to constantly engage our mindset in a crystallised way for better thinking. Making decisions is a consistent process through rational approach.


Evaluating our decisions is crucial to know where we stand. Soliciting experts in important decisions is a value add. Looking at the probable solutions for a problem factor is necessary. Questioning the legitimacy of our decisions will enhance our approach to look at things with a better perspective. Evaluating our thoughts, experiences, understanding, with an open mind will see us through any tough situation.

Thinking techniques make our workflow navigate easily with focus and meaning. Most people ignore to evaluate their thinking capacity and do not consider thought process a serious issue. Thinking skills to focus are catering quality time on a regular basis for self introspection, improve by focussing on our thoughts, any irregularity or non-rational thoughts which impact decisions.

Thinking expands through knowledge, experience, and thoughts through which the best possible decisions are made possible. It also includes learning from our past experiences to improve by avoiding mistakes, and make better decisions. When we do not spend time thinking, we are forever focussed on the mundane with impulsive thoughts.

Prioritising our thoughts by being aware, conscious and mindful we are more in conformity of a situation. It needs a lot of consistent practice to be more efficient. Quality time is very crucial for ourselves. Thinking through the brain activates our innate mind mapping.

It helps in giving us clarity of thought. A few days off often makes one more pepped up & energised. Catering at least 1 hour for self reflection will add a lot of clarity to our thinking. Many creative people take time off from the crowds.

Thinking can be improved by taking situations or incidents to reflect by coming up with what is more practical and feasible. Having clear goal sets and working through the same will take one closer to goals. It's good to set both short term and long term goals by rewarding ourselves once the goal is attained. This will boost our morale.

For students aspiring to get through competitive exams or young professionals aspiring for a job, focus on the goal with clear attainable steps and consistent effort and practice will see you through. Looking at things from various dimensions will help in reaching your target. Mind Mapping helps you to visualise your target and the thoughts are thereby directed around to your thinking which is more sensible. Disruptive thinking will be an add on which enables you to think out of the box. Critical thinking skills involve more common sense, efficient decision-making with a focussed approach which enhance the thought process.

Most organisational problems fail top down due to lack of critical thinking on key strategic directions. Some reasons to attribute to this is lack of reasoning and a no holds barred attitude with no practical introspection on right mechanisms. Critical thinking is an exponential learning skill. Techniques to make better thinking skills: Address presumptions, logical mind, expanding the thought process. For young professionals & student community, harnessing key areas would assure them of desired results in work related issues. A questioning approach is particularly helpful for perspectives that build thinking.

With a logical mind one is more aware, thinks more logically. Culture, attitudes influence one to a great extent by reflecting a diversified mindset.

Seeking out diversity of thought, one can reflect in a better way. Different perspectives, many points of view. Good to connect with all, but even more with conflicting personalities as it brings out a better approach to perspectives and thinking.

Conceptualising, evaluating, through observation and experience, beliefs and actions are ways to better focussed thinking. Learning to think critically is a lifelong journey, and there's always more to learn. In team settings, let people have the chance to give their opinions independently without the influence of the group.

Thinking for oneself, being more aware, understanding mental mapping and constant questioning will be viable for lucid effective thinking. Though practice is limited, the student community and young professionals can harness this towards a higher growth. For best measurable results, thinking smart is the way ahead. 



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