Skills to make employers notice your CV
Skills to make employers notice your CV
Finding a great job starts with writing a great CV - one that speaks to your personal and professional strengths.
The most important thing that recruiters will notice on your CV is how reliable, skillful and hard-working you are.
So these traits must be reflected in every aspect of the document and your application.
While your technical knowledge is important to land a job, soft skills like leadership quality and communication skills are considered equally important to impress a recruiter.
To help with this, here are 10 skills that employers will notice when looking at your CV:
Team management and leadership
Your leadership is the ability to lead people to achieve a common goal.
It doesn't just mean giving orders and making decisions, but it also has the skills necessary to lead people.
Your resume will show this if you list leadership experiences outside of your job description, like being a member of a sports team or volunteering at an organisation for example, 'Helped organise an annual fundraiser'.
This skill set will help them to be able to see that you have managed teams during your time at another company or organisation, and how you were focused on helping others reach their goals efficiently through teamwork!
Problem-solving is a key skill in many different jobs, industries, and levels of management.
If you can think on your feet and come up with solutions to problems that arise at work or in college, employers will likely notice this skill when they read your CV.
However, there are some caveats:
If you don't have much experience solving problems yourself, then it's best not to mention it unless the job description explicitly calls for problem-solving skills.
In general, people who have been having trouble finding work should avoid using words like 'problem' or 'challenge' in their CV; they're better off focusing on skills like teamwork or communication instead.
Hard working
Hard work is a skill. It's not just something you can be born with, but it's also something that needs to be learned and practised.
If you want to write your hard-working skills on your CV, then there are some things that employers will notice more than others.
For example: How much time do you spend working?
An organisation will always be looking for employees who have a quick turnaround time because it shows that you are productive and efficient and will be a valuable asset to the company.
What were the hours like when they were happening (in other words, how long did each project take)?
This can help us understand how consistently productive someone has been over their career and give insight into whether they're capable of handling more responsibility later down the line or not.
Communication skills are important for all jobs, especially those that involve communication with customers or clients.
What are communication skills?
Communication involves sharing information and ideas effectively through spoken words, writing or other forms of media.
It also involves being able to listen to what someone else has to say, understand what they mean and be able to respond appropriately (although this doesn't always mean agreeing).
Time management
The ability to manage your time effectively is a skill that employers will notice.
You need to be able to work on multiple tasks at once, prioritise your tasks and projects and keep track of how much time you are spending on various things.
This can be difficult because it requires an understanding of how long things take to do them well.
Being good at managing your time means being able to juggle multiple projects or activities while also keeping track of deadlines or due dates that are important for other professionals in the company or organisation where you are working.
Strategic thinking
What is strategic thinking?
Strategic thinking is the process of considering a problem from multiple perspectives and using this information to find effective solutions.
When it comes to your CV, strategic thinking can be demonstrated by showing how you've originally used your skills and experience.
For example, if you were asked for advice on how best to manage a team's workload then this would demonstrate your ability as an experienced employee who has taken on board what employers want from their employees.
Instead of simply listing the tasks involved (which might not necessarily show that they were completed), writing about what went on behind closed doors or in meetings will help show prospective employers that you have both strong communication skills as well as being able to take initiative when needed -- two key requirements for any great employee!
Reliability is a skill many employers will notice on your CV.
It's not just about being able to do things on time, though -- it's also about being reliable in all aspects of your life, including work and personal commitments.
Employers are looking for candidates who can be trusted.
So if you can show that you're reliable as a person and keep up with deadlines or obligations in other areas of your life too, then this will come across in the interview when the panel asks you how well-prepared you are for certain tasks or projects.
You can work on multiple tasks at once. This is a great skill for any role, but especially for an office-based role where you'll need to prioritise and manage your time effectively.
If you're able to multitask, then it will show employers that you're self-aware enough not only to do one thing at a time but also to understand how each task affects the other tasks or project as a whole.
Creativity is the ability to think differently and stand out from the crowd.
Creativity can be developed through practice and experience, but it's also something that employers want to see on your CV.
This is because creativity helps you solve problems in unconventional ways, which makes for a more interesting job interview than if you were just applying standard methods.
Work ethics
Good work ethics top employers' attributes list.
Work ethics is a set of values and principles that help you to achieve your goals.
It's a personal trait and not something you can learn. Work ethics are something you are born with -- it's a part of your personality, as well as your attitude towards work.
It is often used as an indicator of how hard-working someone will be at their job because it shows their commitment to getting things done without compromising on the core values.
You can provide your employers with examples of times you've gone the extra mile to excel at a task or project.
The truth is that employers have much more to do than simply look over your CV.
They must be convinced that you are qualified for and a good fit for the position you want.
(The writter is group CEO, BYLD Group, an HR and business productivity solutions firm)