Uruguay's Deputy Chief of Mission visits EFLU in Hyderabad

Update: 2023-01-18 01:10 IST

Uruguay’s Deputy Chief of Mission visits EFLU in Hyderabad

Uruguay’s Deputy Chief of Mission visits EFLU in Hyderabad
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Guillermo Laurenza, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Uru-guay, New Delhi, has visited the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU) campus at Hyderabad. The EFL university au-thorities held talks with him to explore the possibilities of entering into MoU with the Embassy of Uruguay, New Delhi, and the uni-versities in Uruguay.

The proposed MoUs are aimed collaborating in the areas of promo-tion of literature and language studies in Hispanic studies, transla-tion of literary texts into Indian languages, scholar-in-residence programme, teacher training for English language teachers and programmes for developing proficiency in English for professionals from Uruguay.

They also discussed the issues like faculty and student exchange programmes and sharing of resources in the form of books and films from Uruguay to promote academic collaborations. The visiting dignitary went round the campus and met the students of the department of Spanish and held discussions on wide raging academic issues with the academic administrators and the senior faculty members.


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