Asha Workers In Karnataka Work Without Salaries For Three Months With Dedication

Update: 2023-02-02 22:39 IST

Asha Workers In Karnataka Work Without Salaries For Three Months With Dedication

The ASHA employees were among the front-line fighters during the covid outbreak, and their assistance continues to benefit women and children, particularly in the interior and rural areas. However, the ASHA workers of Karnataka have not received their salaries in three months yet they had worked with full determination.

An ASHA employee from Kodagu who has been providing services for more than ten years claimed they follow up on all of their duties every day. They perform sanitary work and enable prenatal and postnatal checkups by visiting multiple homes each day. However, they are forced to work without the incentive of timely payment.

She stated that they have been verifying with the cops about the non-payment of salaries for the last three months. They are always informed that the salary would be credited in a day or two when we contact. After three months, the concerned officers had given us the same response. Without pay, employees suffer and turn to hand loans to cover their daily expenses, especially single moms.
Furthermore, when the salaries are issued on the scheduled date, which happens very infrequently, the employees relate how they are made to endure the anguish of continually not being paid.


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