Hit hard by lockdown, North-East people seek government assistance to rebuild lives
Hit hard by lockdown, North-East people seek government assistance to rebuild lives (representation image)
Bengaluru: The employees of all the sectors have been facing hard times due to the lockdown imposed by the government to contain the pandemic, and it is well documented. But the miseries of the people from the North-East region was not highlighted.
With the closure of restaurants and roadside eateries in view of the lockdown they have been up against the wall, according to the representative of the North-East States in Bengaluru. NEP Foundation president Rahul Rai told The Hans India that during last year's lockdown most of the people from these States employed in parlours, fast food restaurants and catering among others had faced the problem of buying daily household items and paying the rent.
"Thousands left the city due to their inability to pay house rent, lack of food and other problems. The government did not take this issue seriously and provided no relief or assistance to them. They somehow managed to balance their life and businesses, but this time it's much worse. Most of the businesses are closed and some are on the verge of closure. People from North-East mostly work in service sector. Those who came here years ago and invested hard earned money in the food business, parlour and fast food etc are bearing the brunt of the lockdown since they are unable to pay their employees, rent of the shops etc among several other commitments," Rai said elaborating their plight.
He, however, praised the government's effort in taking up vaccination at a great pace.
His meeting in 2020 with the opposition leaders, MPs from all parties and former BBMP commissioner B.H. Anil Kumar seeking relief packages for the people who lost their business remained unfulfilled.
This is one of the reasons he did not approach any government functionary this time. "This time due to huge losses suffered by these people, I appeal to the government to provide some kind of relief to help them pull out of losses and rebuild their businesses," Rai said.