11 FACTS you didn't know about the Magical Month March

Update: 2019-03-18 12:34 IST

All this while you should be thinking the Month March was was all about celebrating St. Patrick's Day and start of Spring.

Here you go.... with the 11 facts that you haven't come across  

1. IT's March - Happy New Year Ancient Romans!

Welcome to the third month of the year-or, if you were born before 150 B.C., the first! According to the oldest Roman calenders, one year was ten months long, beginning in March and ending in December. It may sound crazy, but you can still see traces of this old system in our system in our calender: because December was the tenth month, it was named for the number ten in latin (decem), just like september was named for seven (septem), So, what about January and Febraury? They were just two nameless months called Winter, proving that winter is literally so awful it dosen't even deserve a spot on the calender.

2. It's Known for Basketball but for worst productivity

For Civilians, on the other hand, March is known for one thing above all others: Brackets. March Madness, as the NBA calls, it runs from March 11 to April 2 this year, and the safest bet you can make is that lots and lots of people will be distracted. One number-crunching firm predicted last year that companies would lose billions of money in wages paid to unproductive workers spending company time on betting pool priorities. Suffice it to say, March is not a productive month- this is the single productive hour and month of the year. But how to recoup these costs? Gaming may work...

3. March Month is best for Vasectomies

March Madness is a cherished time to reacquaint oneself with the couch, especially during the early the early tournament days when dozens of games unfold consecutively. In other words, It other words, It's the perfect week to cover recover from Vasectomy.

According to the doctors of the Cleveland clinic, the number of Vasectomies surges by 50% during the 1st week of March Madness. But why? Patients typically need at least a day with ice to keep swelling down, so if they are going to spent a whole day doing nothing, It's not hard to figure out that they'd want to do it on a day they'd like to be sitting in front of the television.

4. March was named war - and it lives up to its title

March was actually named for the Latin Martius aka Mars, the Roman Goa of war and a mythical ancestor of the Roman people via his wolf- suckling sons, Romulus and Remus. With the winter frosts melting and the ground becoming fertile for harvest again in the Northern hemisphere, March was historically the perfect month for farmers to resume and warriors ti resume warring.

Do you need more reasons to love Month March? Here are a dozen

5. March 1: As the saying goes, March comes " in like a lion, out like a lamb" That was certainly true on March 1st 2007, when a detatchment of 170 swiss infantrymen accidentally invaded neighboring Liechtenstein when they got lost on a training mission.

6. March 2. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly returned from space after one full year, setting a new record for the longest uninterrupted trip to space.

7. March 5. Thirst bros observe Cinco de Marcho initiating 12 day drinking regimen for anyone who wishes to" train one's liver for the closing ceremonies on St.Patricks Day". By the way. this is whu we wear green for St. Patricks Day.

8. March 6. The Day of The Dude encourages participants to honour The Big Lebowski by takin'er easy all ay, man.

9. March 20. The sun shines on the equator for the Vernal Equinox, giving us a near 50-50 split of day and night.

10. March 27: Easter Sunday

11. March 28: Gorge yourself on Discount Easter Candy Monday. 


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