An Adventure to off the beaten path of Manaslu Trekking.

Update: 2024-02-26 08:45 IST

Well making plans for you net trekking adventure to the Himalayas, but confused where to go? Don’t worry this article got your back and helps you on your next trekking adventure in the Himalayas of Nepal. Dominated by the range and sub range of Mansiri Himal (mountain), Manaslu is the eighth highest mountain of the world. Adventure and cultural odyssey to the Manaslu circuit trek will be your adventure of life time.


The less explored region filled with jaw dropping views of the mountains as Himalchuri (7893m), Nadhichuri (7871m), Shringi (7178m) and various other snow giants. You will witness the influence of Tibetan culture as you will see many old Chorten & Mani walls standing still and representing people’s faith in Buddhism. The untold stories, elusive wild life and much more will be in your trekking experience while trekking in the trails leading to Manaslu.

Starting from buzzing city of Kathmandu you will move towards west side of Kathmandu and reach place called Dhading besi. The ride is about 3.5 hours from Kathmandu. Upon reaching Dhading besi you will have an off road ride for 4 hours until you reach place called Maccha Khola. Usually from Maccha Khola your trek starts but there is seasonal road leading to Jagat. This is small town by the river filled with farmlands of tobacco, buckwheat and many seasonal crops. Located at central Nepal Manaslu trekking is an adventure of lifetime.

Apart from the numbers of snowcapped giants’ mountains the area is also blessed with variety of flora and fauna, including some of the endangered species like Red Panda, Snow leopard, musk deer and many more. The sub range of Mansiri himal will be the highlight of the trail on your entire trekking experience to Manaslu circuit trek. Horse, mules bells are very common sound you hear during your trekking along with chirping birds and sound of flowing water during you trek. Make sure to leave the way for them as they will be carrying loads of supply for the guesthouses and local people living high up in the mountains.

Coming to trails, it is rocky, rugged but not too steep while you are gaining elevation. The highest point and longest day of the entire trek is the Larkya La Pass (5106 m/16751 ft.). The Larkya La Pass is also one of the longest pass at Himalayas of Nepal. Regardless of it being one of the longest pass, tough to hike, filled with snow: you can conquer this part of terrain with strong mentally and commitment to conquer this trek. Considering proper acclimatization, hiking on your own pace with hydrated body you won’t have any altitude sickness and turns your trekking into a beautiful experience. You will have changed perspective in your daily life and the cultural odyssey the region has to offer is another interesting thing to experience. The hospitable people, the lifestyle of ethnic community, the remote region and the dependency on smart phones of local people will amaze you.

After reaching on the top of Larkya La Pass, the panoramic views of mountains like Himalchuri (7893m), Nadhichuri (7871m), Shringi (7178m) Manaslu (8,163m/26,781ft.) and many others. The hike on terrains requires normal attention and caution. Its oddly interesting fact that there are many mountains in Nepal and people do not bother naming mountains below 6000 meters.

The hills and the settlement at hilly region on this area is mostly composed of Gurung, Magar communities who possess a legacy of serving British Gurkha Army. The high mountains are occupied by Buddhist communities who were inhabitants of Tibet. One will witness many centuries old monastery, chortens, Mani walls, prayer flags fluttering and prayer wheels whirling. The monastery, chortens are standing intact from the centuries which reflect the people’s faith on Buddhism.

Embarking on this trekking journey you will definitely be fascinated from the day first and as you hike more gaining elevation you will be more captivated and you will be hungry to know more and explore more of the region of Manaslu. The arts inside the monastery is another thing that will catch your eye and the color they’ve used to make the art is not some acrylic or water color that you easily find in the markets. The color are made natural substances like stones, muds, saffron and many locally available resources and with natural processing they turn such ingredients into their desired colors.

So what are you waiting for?? Book a flight, strap your hiking boots because you are going out in wilderness which is very attractive and a journey filled with amazing experiences. The best season for Manaslu trekking is usually March to May and October to early December. Hiking through rugged terrains, accompanied by jaw dropping views of mountain and cultural odyssey. However, it is long and mentally challenging some days yet will definitely find worthy because mountain are waiting for you to come see them. If you have been to mountains before you must have experienced this, going near them will always make your head held high and proud of what you are, if not come along on this journey. The trail is much quieter then Everest base camp trekking, Annapurna circuit trekking and many other major mountain trekking that Nepal has to offer.


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