Are we ready to face the summer?

Update: 2021-03-30 23:10 IST

Are we ready to face the summer?

COVID-19 lockdown has gradually lifted and offices, schools, public transports etc. are slowing opening its doors for communities to resume life as usually. This has come at a time when summer is right here smiling back at us. We have spent a year inside our houses well-protected from the scorching heat of the summer. Is our skin ready to beat the heat?


Dr Kiran Godse, Dermatology & Cosmetology, Hiranandani Hospital said, "When summers approach, temperatures rise and so does the humidity level. Humidity brings in a lot of changes in our skin and hair behaviour. Our skin becomes sweaty, oily, develops acne flare ups, blackheads, whiteheads, and is prone to fungal infections, heat boils, body odours etc. Even our hair becomes frizzy with an oily scalp and dandruff."

How to tackle skin problems during summer?

For having a healthy skin during these hard summer days, few tips can be helpful. Cleanse your skin well with a gentle cleanser-twice daily is optimal. In case your body becomes excessively sweaty or one suffers from body odours, bathing twice daily will be helpful. Make sure to dry your skin well before layering clothes, preferably even use some dusting powder, since it helps absorb excess moisture and thus, prevents fungal infections, heat boils or prickly heat issues

Using a sunscreen is crucial, especially for those who suffer from Hyperpigmentation and sun sensitivity. Wearing closed footwear for a prolonged period can give rise to fungal infections and soft corns in the web spaces, so using dusting powder on the foot before wearing socks or shoes, aids in keeping your feet dry and clean.

Caring for your hair during summer?

During summers, while it is necessary to care for your skin, it is equally important to take good care of your hair.Cleansing hair at least twice a week is optimal. For those suffering from an itchy or dandruff prone scalp, using an anti-dandruff shampoo regularly keeps dandruff at bayOiling your hair shouldn't be done frequently as it can lead to heat boils on scalp with acne flare ups on the forehead and trunk. Just a teaspoon of oil an hour before hair wash, once a week, is adequate. 



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