Get rid of acne
Get rid of acne
It can take years and dozens of trips to the dermatologist to discover how to get rid of acne on your unique skin. Everyone has unique skin types, skin tones, lifestyles, and genetic histories that make it impossible to have a single piece of one-size-fits-all advice.
Wash your face daily
The first and most important rule isn't groundbreaking: Remember to wash your face! Cleansing and treating your skin twice a day is the best way to keep breakouts away. For those emergencies when you're just too tired to wash your face, keep a stash of face wipes in the drawer of your nightstand.
Use the right face cleanser
For a cleanser to be most effective, you have to pay attention to your skin's needs and pick the ingredients accordingly. If your skin tends to be oily, choose products with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or glycolic acid. For sensitive skin, look for gentle cleansers with lactic acid or hydrating ingredients like glycerin, which aren't as drying as those made for oilier types.
Don't over-exfoliate your skin
Scrubbing your face daily with grainy cleansers and exfoliating products can do more harm than good. When done too often, it can cause redness, inflammation, and irritation. Exfoliating a pimple can pull away healthy skin cells and create an open wound and higher risk for scarring. Exfoliation should be done with caution, and not more than 2-3 times a week maximum.
Regularly change your face towel
When you think about it, consistently reaching for your go-to face towel every day is like reusing a dinner napkin over and over again. Using dirty towels can harbor bacteria, and they can even introduce new bacteria to your skin, which may lead to more pimples. As long as you're truly washing off all of your makeup, you can stick to switching out your towels on a weekly basis.
Worried moisturiser will make your acne worse? Think again. it can actually help improve your skin. If the skin surface is dry and dehydrated, the oil glands tend to overproduce oil and this can make acne worse. Hydrating the skin surface can re-balance oil glands and help control acne and improve healing. When buying a moisturizer, look for a lightweight, oil-based product that won't clog your pores.
Use sunscreen that doesn't clog pores
While SPF is a must, some sunscreens can trigger breakouts. You want to look for oil-free and non-comedogenic formulas that won't clog pores. Use products that are specifically tested on acneic skin so you can get your dose of SPF without having to worry about clogged pores.