Hair care routine
Hair care routine

The hot summer sun is harmful to our skin, and we take due precautions for it. But it also has harmful effects on your hair. The heat from the sun causes weathering and oxidative damage to hair and make it dry, brittle, and stiff. The heat from the summer sun can turn your hair lifeless and limp. This happens because of the high humidity in the atmosphere. This humidity may settle on your hair and weigh it down, resulting in limp hair. The sweat and dust contributed by summers increase hair problems like dandruff, split ends, frizziness, and increased hair fall. Summers can be harsh on your scalp, causing dryness and sunburn. The hair helps cover the skin from sun damage and may also protect the scalp from it. Dry scalp may end up damaging the hair roots. Exposure to sunlight can lead to serious hair damage, like dryness
Avoid too many cosmetics
Summers already dry your hair out and cause damage. A study shows that coloured hair can show significant changes from the effects of heat. Hence, make sure you go easy on any chemical hair treatments during this period. Avoid too much colouring, whether at the spa or home. If you want to colour your hair or change the colour during summer, try and do it a month or two before the sun hits hard. You can also try organic ingredients to colour your locks.
Use conditioner
While the sun is drying out your hair, make sure you help restore some moisture and life to it by using a rinse-out conditioner. Get one that suits your hair type and texture. If you are going for a swim, remember to put on a leave-in conditioner on your hair and wear a swimming cap.
Shampoo with care
While you feel like shampooing your hair every day, doing so will cause more harm than good. Too much shampoo can dry up your scalp and hair even more. If you tend to sweat more on the scalp, and if your hair gets greasy and sweaty easily, go for a mild shampoo that is especially good for summers.