Civil Services Day

Update: 2022-04-21 01:45 IST

Civil Services Day

Every year, the central government celebrates April 21 as 'Civil Services day' as an occasion for the civil servants to rededicate themselves to the cause of citizen and renew their commitments to public service and excellence in work. The civil service is the permanent executive branch of the Republic of India. The civil servants are the administrators and ensure the implementation of policies of the governments, creating ways for smooth functioning of programmes and ensuring the passage of the benefits to the beneficiaries.


On this day, Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Public Administration are presented to Districts/Implementing Units for implementation of Priority programme and innovations in different categories. The Award function bring together civil servants to connect with each other and learn the good practices being implemented across the nation in the field of public grievance.

Its origin is related to the 1947 year when on 21st April Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Home Minister of Independent India addressed the probationary officers at the All India Administrative Service Training School at Metcalfe House, Delhi. He delivered a powerful speech and empowered the Civil Servants to adopt the true role of national service leaving behind the past experience. In his speech he referred to civil servants as the 'steel frame of India'. 



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