Donald Duck Day

Update: 2021-06-09 01:23 IST

Donald Duck Day

Donald Duck is one of the most iconic characters of the Disney franchise and has, for multiple generations, been one of the hallmarks of childhood and innocence.

Also, of rage driven spite filled incoherent rambling while spraying the area around you like a sprinkler in high summer. There was something in his tendency to fly completely off the handle and rail at the slightest provocation that touched a part of us all. Everyone had times when they've just had enough, and Donald gave us the perfect way to respond by raging incoherently while stamping our feet. It pays to lose your cool once in a while.

Donald Duck had some very specific characteristics, and celebrating Donald Duck day provides you with an opportunity to embrace your inner angry waterfowl. Dress in blue and gold to commemorate everyone's favorite duck, and add just a splash of red to round it out. When people ask you questions, respond with the partially-legible quack that is Donald's claim to fame and, whenever possible, fly into a comedic and harmless incoherent rage cussing out everything you loathe in a voice that no one can understand. People may look at you funny but, one of the great things about being Donald for a day is, you don't have to care. Take a leaf out of Donald's book and be bold, bright and enjoy the day! Afterall, that's all we can do anyway isn't it?

If you are able, you have to go see this mastermind in the flesh so to speak and plan a trip to Disney! Now is the time to take advantage of your booked up holidays and surprise the kids with a trip to see Donald! But if this isn't an option, the best way to really celebrate dear old Donald, is to watch some of his old movies! He's popped up in quite a few animations over the years! No doubt hearing his quack and voice will remind you of the days of old, when life was simple and we recorded on VHS. Oh those were the days, weren't they?


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