Don't let your heart skip a beat

Update: 2021-09-10 01:52 IST

Don’t let your heart skip a beat

Gone are those days where we women were only concerned about heart diseases with regards to our male counterparts. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but recent studies have found that the prevalence of cardiac disease in women is at par with men. Add the following foods found abundantly in our Indian produce and safeguard your heart

Hold on! Before you worry yourself sick and add unwarranted pressure to your heart, I can assure you that it is never too late to take charge and walk the path of a healthy heart life. Gone are those days where we women were only concerned about heart diseases with regards to our male counterparts. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but recent studies have found that the prevalence of cardiac disease in women is at par with men. Add the following foods found abundantly in our Indian produce and safeguard your heart.



let me tell you, fibre is the first line of defence for heart disease. Adding fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet daily, clears out unhealthy fats and leaves your arteries squeaky clean. Keeping your cholesterol levels in check, controlling hypertension and reducing inflammation, seasonal produce is the way to go


My meals are incomplete without condiments like garlic and onion. These Indian staples add the right amount of zing to every dish. I get my allium dose by adding garlic and onion to your salads, tempering, sautés or subzis. Besides being a strong anti-oxidant agent that reduces stress on the heart, allium is also known for its cholesterol lowering power.


Did you know, our humble little tomato that accompanies most of our meals as a soup, curry, salad, etc. is a goldmine of carotenoid Lycopene ?This phytochemical lowers blood pressure and cholesterol as well.


The golden touch to all my dishes, turmeric is a nutritional staple to improve heart health. Its remarkable anti-inflammatory and cholesterol lowering properties have no match. I prefer the darker varieties for added therapeutic benefits.

Coriander seeds and fresh leaves

Another powerful ingredient from my kitchen is -coriander. Adding ground coriander seed powder to my tempering and garnishing all my dishes with fresh coriander leaves is a must. Don't skip out on these fibre and antioxidant rich foods.

Vitamin C

If you are not already stocked up on your Vitamin C given the pandemic, here is another reason to stock up on lemon, tomato, papayas and other vitamin C rich foods. It is an antioxidant that fights infections and lowers cholesterol.


I am a fan of all fibre rich foods including the ancient pseudo-grain Barley. Containing the compound Beta-glucan, it helps clear out bad cholesterol from arteries.

Other than making these foods a regular feature in your meals, also focus on reducing stress. Spending time with family, walking, meditating etc. relieves stress. I personally find Deep breathing very effective. So, pay heed to my advice and lead a hearty, healthy life!



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