Enjoy Christmas feast without overeating

Update: 2019-12-25 02:44 IST

The holidays are all about partying and overindulging. It's about revelling in the excess be it gifts or food.

Filled with holiday cheer and the enthusiasm of our friends we usually wake up with the "I wish I hadn't' feeling…Festivities have become synonymous with overeating, enjoying is now associated with overindulgence over fun times.

This is the time we say, "I will start on January 1st, so let me eat as much as I can now." I would say no.


If your diet or program from the 1st is going to stop you from leading a normal life, then it isn't right for you.

Health is not about restrictions, getting fit is not about giving up all the things you like. Instead focus on moderation. Focus on eating and not overeating.

Here are some top six tips to keep your waistline in check this festive season


Get in a 30-minute walk or class at the gym to kickstart your body. The 30-minute with fuel you with energy and make you more mindful of your choices throughout the day.

♦    Drink up

We get so caught up with parties, friends or even window shopping that we forget to hydrate. Even a mild dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue, etc.

Whether you are out or at home, drink 2 – 3 litres of water through the day. Carry a bottle with you in your bag and set a water reminder on your phone, to ensure you keep drinking.

♦    Managing parties

At parties we're engrossed in conversation and lose count of what we are snacking on.

I would recommend getting a plate and filling it once with all the snacks, you would like to eat. Then eat that mindfully and slowly. This helps us maintain reasonable quantities and prevents overeating.

♦    Battling the buffet

Buffet spreads get more extravagant around this time, offering delicacies from across the world. Even if you tasted one bite of each dish you would eat more than a normal meal.

I like to pick the things that I really want to try in small quantities. Ideally following the same rule. Fill your plate once with as many starters as you like, once for main course and once for dessert.

Feel free to pile up each plate but stick to one helping only. We eat with our eyes first and this helps us visualise the amount of food we eat.

♦    Dessert

With Christmas special desserts at every corner, it's easy to overindulge. This season try switching out to homemade desserts like chocolate fondue with fruit sticks, strawberries covered in chocolate or a decadent homemade hot chocolate.

♦    My secret cheat sheet

When all of the above fail, cheat with water. Drink a large glass of water before eating anything. If you feel you might be overeating, pause, drink a large glass of water, then continue to eat, if you still feel like it.

Eating out and parties can be guilt free with these few mindful tricks. Above all focus on the essence of these holidays. The joy of spending time with the people you care about.

If this still feels overwhelming just focus on what you can do, over what you can't do. If all you can do is drink that glass of water before a meal, then do that. If all you can do is avoid deep fried food, then do that.

As we begin to make resolutions for the new year, remember. Focus on what you can do over what you can't.

(The writer is alifestyle and transformation coach)



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