Improve your fashion style

Update: 2020-10-12 22:22 IST

Improve your fashion style

Has your closet kept you feeling stuck in a style rut? A woman can advance her shopping, image, and fashion skills.

With that in mind, here are a few styling tips to get your style un-stuck so can you feel even more like the confident, gorgeous, powerhouse woman you already are.

Find your style vibe

Replicate the personal style you love by being an anthropologist. Examine rather than judge to borrow vibes from another person's image.


This builds on the complexity of putting entire looks together because rather than simply appreciating one thing or detail, you're capturing the feeling of an overall aesthetic. Let's imagine you'd love to feel more and. You often see women who reflect that in the way they dress and you admire it.These women catch your eye because they do it in the most authentic way. For them, it is an internal feeling they exude through their clothing choices. They dress to express that part of themselves.

Know why you like something, to wear what you want

The next time you like or don't like an item of clothing take note of why.

When we are attracted to or repelled by an item, there are details that make you go yay or nay. Regardless if it is the color, the pleats, the fabric, or the way it moves, it's your job to understand why you kinda love it or hate it. As you start paying attention to why you like something you'll notice patterns in your style preferences. These patterns are valuable information to dressing yourself smarter. Our awareness of why we are attracted to something is a tool in creating more of that in our lives.

Embrace and Figure out your body's shape

Your body is fashion's ultimate accessory and you are your canvas. When we struggle to understand how to dress our shapes, it can hinder creativity and/or highlight our insecurities, making us feel frustrated and with limited options.

An integral step in making smarter purchases and ending frustrating shopping experiences. Your body is the way that it is and will continue to change as you age. Learning to work with and love what you've got is one of your greatest resources. Women who know what works for their body understand how to flatter it.



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