Gifts Giving -Wonderful Love Language

Update: 2023-02-15 16:20 IST

Gifts hold lot of meaning, picking a gift to the loved ones is not so easy.

One of the renowned marriage counsellor Gary Chaman, Ph.D., identified there are about 5 love langues and one of the language is giving gifts.

Yes, there is common and unspoken assumption that a individual who prefers to receives displays affection in the form gifts, which are mostly materialistic or shallow, but in reality, that is not the case always.


What does it mean to have gift giving as an love language?

A individual who has gifts as their love language tends to feel most loved when their partners offers them a tangible items. As per the Chapman's love language theory, a love language is simply a individual's preferred way of receiving affection in a relationship.

Gifts is one of the 5 love languages apart from

Word of affirmation

Quality Time

Physical touch

Acts of Service

Those individuals with gifts as a love language, the act of giving a gift serves as gesture of affection as well as care because it shows the individual was thinking about them, while they were not around and wanted to find a way to make you smile.

The gift also becomes a physical token memorializing a moment, experience or feeling. In other word, it is less about the specific thing that is being given and more what that thing symbolizes.

The present itself is nice, but it really matters the most is, the thought behind it that counts. The gift becomes a object that helps you remember, that they were thinking of you, which fills your heart with love.

Signs your love language is gifts

1. Words are nice, but when it comes to physical representation of love, you can hold in your hands feels so much more real as well as meaningful.

2. The process of giving each other sweet, romantic presents is one of your favorite, little things being in a relationship.

3. You treasure anything a partner gives you, be it the most expensive thing on your wish list or a single flower they plucked off the side of the road.

4. It means a lot to you, when someone puts in lot of time or effort into a gift for you.

5. You love surprises, they make you feel cherished

6. You feel really loved when someone brings you back a souvenir from a trip, they went on without you.

7. For special occasions, thoughtful presents are really important to you. You want gifts, which have lot of meaning, personalization and feeling behind them.

8. Little gestures of care as well as generosity, is like when they grab coffee on their way to meet you and bring you one without even asking, feel so sweet and meaningful to you.

9. You are person, who does not throw away presents, they hold lot of meaning to you.



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