Got used to WFH?

Update: 2020-06-08 01:40 IST
Got used to WFH?

The primary goal of embracing a healthy lifestyle hovers around the need to stay fit and active in the absence of adequate physical output.

It is of immense importance for all of us to look at the Corona virus pandemic as an opportunity to make amends to the 'unhealthy' lifestyle that we have been practicing for long. The following lifestyle changes can be of immense help in making healthy living a part of everyday life.

Hygiene maintenance is of primary importance

There has been a renewed focus on hygiene ever since the pandemic broke out in January this year. Something as small (and insignificant) as washing hands which had been taken for granted now seems to be changing at a rate of knots.

The basic agenda that sits at the heart of is to keep infections at bay while people sit at home.

Keeping yourself hydrated is just as important

It goes without saying that drinking ample water is crucial for keeping the body's metabolism intact. On average, 10-12 glasses of water a day should be consumed.

Ensure that a considerable amount of water intake is maintained as it helps keep infections at bay and joints lubricated. It is a popular notion that water intake isn't required by the body in the absence of physical activities, but the fact is: Our bodies are made up of 80% water and it requires water, no matter what, to maintain its metabolic rate.

Take good care of hair

Hair health, for long, has been of secondary importance, but lockdown life has provided people with ample time and avenues to take it seriously.

Adding health supplements rich in Biotin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B, E, Sulphur, and Magnesium can be of immense help in maintaining our hair health.

Health supplements, such as gummy vitamins are rich in these essential vitamins & minerals which helps in preventing hair fall as well as provide ample nourishment to counter problems, such as hair-thinning, early greying, balding, etc.

Skin care should not be left behind

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein is important for skin health. These provide the body with a considerable amount of calcium and Vitamin C, both of which help enhance skin quality.

Keep track of what goes into your mouth

There is always an increased probability of going for comfort foods while staying indoors. Fast foods and desserts happen to be comfort food for many but end up adding a few extra kilos to your body.

A lazy-laid back lifestyle does end up aggravating the problem further by giving rise to hazardous eating habits.

Startups are innovating with clean labels, over the counter products and easy accessibility of supplements which help with metabolism rates and fat reduction can potentially be the new rage in India owing to the lockdown situation.


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