Coronavirus Airborne? Scientists Say The Answer Is A No Brainer
Coronavirus, the name has created a wave of terror across the globe. People are being extra cautious about doing even routine things they did before. While the coronavirus is spreading like wildfire, countries across the globe have announced a lockdown to prevent community transmission. On the other hand, there are reports saying covid19 could be transmitted through the air—simply meaning, coronavirus can be airborne. Now, there is no scientific evidence to prove the same as experts are still carrying out research to establish this.
The primary cause of coronavirus is the droplets from a cough or a sneeze. You could receive this via an object on which the droplets fell or directly.
However, as per reports, a section of scientists are of the view that the infection could travel through the air and spread via even tiny particles (aerosols). This is a reality, they say.
So, what's the truth about this? Is coronavirus airborne? Which study should we believe? There are several conspiracy theories over this. So which is trustworthy?
Well, for now, the most reliable agency one could trust is the World Health Organization. According to WHO, there is not enough basis to prove that coronavirus can travel through the air. An exception, however, is possible when intubating a patient infected with the virus.
So, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that coronavirus could be airborne. However, medical practitioners, experts and researchers studying respiratory diseases caused by air transmission say that even though it has not been sufficiently established that coronavirus can be airborne, it is sensible not to take the risk at the cost of one's life. In the words, if an infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, we cannot let perfect be the enemy of convincing. Besides, scientists have little doubt that coronavirus could be airborne, it's only a matter of time. So the bottom line stays indoors and practices social distancing so you can get out of this alive.