Fasting while boosting immunity
Fasting while boosting immunity
It's the time of Navratri and a lot of you women must be fasting and we have to keep your immunity up as the pandemic is not yet over. Here is a list of super immunity boosting fasting foods to include daily for nine days of Navratri to sustain energy for a long time which are a powerhouse of nutrients:
I want all you women to reap the benefits provided by Mother Nature. Fruits are packed with fiber, natural sugars and vitamins they keep your immunity up. My go to seasonal fruits are mango, watermelon, melon and grapes, ice apple (tadgola), chickoo.
I say go nuts on nuts as they are the most ideal fasting foods. Munch on a handful of almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews and peanuts between meals.
I call these tiny seeds a powerhouse of nutrition with immunity boosting vitamins and minerals like A, B, E and K and Zinc. So women, eat sunflower, fennel, pumpkin, sesame and flax seeds through the fasting days.
Cow's ghee
More precious than white gold, I say women cook yours and your family's food in cow's ghee to reap its amazing health benefits and enhance your immunity.
According to me this is the best gift given by Mother Nature. Eat the fresh coconut or grated over your food. Women, see how your energy stays up as you feel the benefits of this nut.
The superfood of fasting times is also your superfood for immunity. I use this ancient grain in my fast regularly so I tell you women to add it on too.
We are nothing without our spices. Ginger, mint, cumin and rock salt have healing properties and aid in imparting flavour to your food. So women don't shy away from your spices.
I give my clients this easy to digest and versatile grain exchange during the fasting days. Rich in magnesium you will feel good but women remember to eat it in moderation.
Sama (vergu)
I replace my rice with Little Millet. It is high in nutrition value and lower in glycaemic index which will help in keeping you fuller for a longer time, so women, opt for this in your food too!
Sample fasting day diet
• Start your day with water and fresh coconut.
• Add on a seasonal fruit.
• Tea with a handful of nuts, salted is fine.
• Lunch - permissible vegetable (normally it is white bottle gourd, pumpkin) + cucumber raita + amaranth roti or sama rice (vergu).
• Vegetables should be cooked in cow's ghee and seasoned with ginger, roasted cumin seeds and rock salt.
• Mint tea with handful of nuts, salted is fine.
• Dinner – potato rosti or potato cutlet or jacket potato with a mint and coriander chutney, sprinkle with a digestive mix of roasted seeds and rock salt.