How Does Coronavirus Spread? All You Need To Know

Update: 2020-05-29 14:23 IST
How Does Coronavirus Spread?

As the world knows by now, COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus which spreads essentially from one person to another. How does this transmission take place? When an infected person coughs or sneezes, the virus-filled droplets go into the air. If a healthy person within six feet breathes in, those droplets could potentially go into his respiratory system.


A surface or object that has the virus on it can also be a source if one touches it and then touches one's mouth, nose, or eyes. It is important to sanitise countertops and doorknobs because it coronavirus can survive on such surfaces from hours to days.

How do I know how long it survives on which surface?

Researchers are still figuring that out, but it depends mainly on the material the surface is made from. It is believed that chances of catching the virus from a person-to-person contact are more likely.

What are the different kinds of surfaces which could be contaminated?

Metal- as long as 5 days

Doorknobs, jewellery

Wood - 4 days

Furniture etc

Plastics - 2 to 3 days

Milk sachets etc, metro, bus seats, bags, lift buttons

Stainless steel - 2 to 3 days

Refrigerators, utensils, glasses, steel sinks etc.,

Cardboard - 24 hours

Cartons, packages

Aluminium - 2 to 8 hours

Cold drink, soda cans, tinfoil etc.

Glass - Up to 5 days

Drinking glasses, mirrors, windows

Ceramics - 5 days

Dishes, mugs

Senior citizens, especially those with other underlying conditions, are more at risk. Younger segments of the population stand the risk of passing it on to others. The most sure-fire way to prevent coronavirus from spreading is to wash one's hands, avoid touching one's face, avoid crowds and maintain social distancing. It is also very important to disinfect surfaces and keep them clean. 



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