Moon Diet and it's Myths

Update: 2019-11-27 13:56 IST

Let's be honest for a hot second: When it comes to our weight loss, I bet there aren't many of us out there who haven't looked for a quick fix (myself included). At least once in a while, like when you mark a wedding on your calendar and—oh crap—forgot that it was this weekend and you want to look fabulous in your dress. So when it's time to choose a quickie plan, there's a lot to consider. But the latest fad wants you to take into account one thing, and one thing only: the phases of the moon.


The Moon Diet, according to devotees (which may or may not include a few A-list celebs, if you listen to the gossip mill), can help you lose up to six pounds in just one day. So if you start on Friday, you'll be ready to shimmy into that dress the very next day. Here's how it works:

When it comes to weight loss, there are a whole lot of diets available to choose from. What seems to make news now is the lunar or moon diet. A little trivia, this is also called the werewolf diet by some enthusiasts! As the name suggests, this diet involves eating as per the phases of the moon. So how does it work exactly?

Choose your plan option. The basic moon diet requires you to stick to the plan on the full or new moon (2 days per month). The extended version requires work during each major phase of the moon (4 days per month).

When it's time, fast with only water or juice until that phase is over and done with.

Keep in mind that while yes, it is possible to lose six pounds in a day, that's all water weight. Which is regained quickly, as our bodies naturally have a water flux of five or so pounds at any given time. Since this plan has you cut out carbs, Blatner says it can increase the likelihood of water flux—meaning you'll lose more weight—because our bodies hold on to water when we eat carbs.

Nonetheless, you'll gain it all back in 24 to 48 hours from when you stop fasting.

Which is depressing, and can have a serious effect on your self-confidence. "When you're continuously trying and failing at long-term weight loss because of these fad diets, it takes a toll on your self-esteem," says Blatner. Instead, try implementing more weight loss strategies into your daily life—ones that have been proven to work in the long run—so that they become a healthy habit.

According to the standard moon diet, you should be sticking to the plan on certain days, based on moon phases. On the full moon or the new moon, each of which occurs twice a month, you will need to follow the stipulations of the diet – a liquid diet with only fluids like water and various juices. If you're up for a more gruelling diet, opt for a four-day diet.

So why does this diet work? The moon has a gravitational pull on the water bodies on earth. It also has a similar pull on our bodies. So your body weight changes marginally, based on the influence of the moon, and what you eat or drink during this time matters.

The downside, as with all crash diets, is that they're only temporary, and need to be offset with a healthy balanced diet on other days – not that you can binge extensively otherwise! Give in to cravings once in a while and in moderation, otherwise, follow a sensible diet plan for the moon diet to actually work.

These four "food rules" whenever weight loss—or weight maintenance–is the goal

Eat slowly. Try putting the same amount of food on a smaller plate if you gravitate toward visual cues. Either way, slow down and really chew your food to enjoy the different tastes you're experiencing.

Cut down, not out, your favourite foods. There's no need for deprivation here, as Blatner says it often leads to bingeing whenever (not if ever) you give in. She suggests implementing strategies like "I'll have sweets/alcohol/fillintheblank in social situations and refuse to feel bad about it. Not at home, not alone."

Snack on more vegetables. We keep saying it over and over again for a reason. Not only are they super low in calories, but they help you stay healthy and feel energized throughout your day.

Dig into balanced meals on a regular schedule. "Willpower is highest when we have an even flow of blood glucose to our brain," which happens when we're regularly feeding it, not depriving it.

Otherwise, try thinking about what might be making you hold onto extra weight in the first place. You might be surprised—these seven saboteurs definitely threw us for a loop.



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