The Big Osteoporosis

Update: 2021-10-21 00:43 IST

As pandemic restrictions are being lifted, the travel bug in me is yearning to go out and explore all the places I pondered over when cooped up at home. I am sure you ladies too are excited for long walks through the hills and strolls along the beach. But wait a minute, before you book your tickets, make sure you are fit for all the activities. Brittle bones and aching limbs are quite the damper on a vacation. So, keep osteoporosis at bay with the following nutrients and take on any adventure without fear.



"We need calcium for strong bones"- this is a statement we have heard since we were kids but are we aware of where to get our calcium from? Did you know that besides the conventional sources, leafy greens like Amaranth, Moringa, dill and fenugreek leaves give you plenty of calcium. Whole grains like finger millets, sesame seeds and even our beloved after mint- betel leaves! With so many options you won't have to skip out on your calcium intake.

Vitamin D

I am a firm advocate for getting your Vitamin D3 levels checked as we Indians tend to get low exposure. Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption and one of the major causes of osteoporosis. Basking in the mid-morning sun is the best way to get your Vitamin D. However, if you have low levels of vitamin D, you must consult a physician and get appropriate supplementation.

Vitamin K

Did you know that Vitamin K plays an integral role in keeping your bones strong? Vitamin K plays a role in calcium metabolism and poor levels can hamper bone health. Cabbage, pomegranate, tomatoes, French beans, nuts, green moong beans, kidney beans etc. these are the few easily available sources of vitamin K.

Vitamin C

I am simply amazed at the numerous functions of this multipurpose Vitamin has. Other than being a strong anti-oxidant that reduced free radical damage to the bones, it also helps to build Collagen- a precursor for bone formation. The best part is, it is very easy to get in vitamin C through food. Lemon, papaya, pumpkin, capsicum, tomato, tamarind are all pantry essentials that will take up Vitamin C.


I must tell you, this often ignored mineral is very essential to maintain bone density. Magnesium deficiency hampers bone formation at a hormonal levels. Increased magnesium intake has been linked to improved bone density, especially in women. You do not need to look too far, you can get sufficient magnesium from nuts, seeds, wholegrains like whole wheat, whole pulses like chickpeas and even the beloved banana.

I am may be mentioning this at the end but it is very important to include good quality fat in your diet for vitamin D absorption, without which calcium absorption is not possible.



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