What Causes Delay in Menstrual Period?

Update: 2022-03-12 19:18 IST

What Causes Delay in Menstrual Period?

Sometimes there is delay in Menstrual period, for many women, it may be big scare, there could be more than one reason for the delay, some of the significant ones are listed here.

1. Illness

Did you fall sick recently, it can be stomach flu or viral, all these impacts your menstrual health and delay your monthly period. Hence it is good ideal, keep track, as how many times, you have fallen sick in a month, this could be one of the reasons for the delay in period.


2. Medicines

Few medicines such as thyroid pills, skin supplements, steroids can meddle with hormone production. This could also alter the hormone levels and push your period further away on the calendar.

3. Dramatic Weight Change

Intense weight loss, in other words inability to release estrogen and also sudden weight gain means excess production of estrogen. In either case, an irregular period is inevitable.

4. Stress

You may feel stressed about your deadlines in your work or you may be stressed about your relationship with your partner, overstressing can easily disrupt your monthly cycle. The stress hormone, Cortisol suppresses, the levels of your reproductive hormones,

5. Traveling

Traveling across varied time zones might expose your body to light at different times of the day. This disrupts your body's cardiac rhythm which also affects your menstrual cycle, hence if you are flying in and out lately, you must be prepared to watch your period take a backseat.

6. Excessive workout

If you cannot stop thinking about dumbbells as well as bench presses even outside the gym. The rigorous workout regime would strain your body, sooner or later, it will then struggle to produce estrogen and you will be left wondering as why your period has been late.

7. Change in Routine

Disrupting your regular sleep schedule to binge watch a series on Netflix? Experimenting with a new diet fad? Switched jobs with your daily schedule as well? All of these changes in your lifestyle changes might make hormones off balance and delay your period.

8. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

In PCOS, the egg which should be ideally released as part of healthy menstrual cycle, may be released much later than expected time. Thus sometimes, period is delayed and also missed in few cases. The above medical condition can only treated by the professionals.



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