Why one should make a habit to drink beetroot juice regularly?
You can garnish beetroot juice, using salt, pepper and lemon juice.
One should inculcate healthy food habits to the children, most parents tend to say to their children to fruits and vegetables, avoid juices, as they believe nutritional value is lost, when not eaten raw, instead juice is prepared adding other ingredients such as salt or sugar, to enhance the taste.
As per the new study, it has been found that, when individuals start having beetroot juice, it helps in promoting the mix of mouth bacteria, which is associated with healthier blood vessels and also brain function.
What Study says?
According to the study published in the journal 'Redox Biology, beetroot as well as other foods, including lettuce, spinach, celery are very rich in origanic nitrate and numerous oral bacteria tend to play a significant role in turning nitrate into nitric oxide. This helps in regulating the blood vessels as well as neurotransmission (chemical messages in the brain)
The above study also highlights that elderly tend to have less nitric oxide production and this is associated poorer Vascular (blood vessel0 and cognitive (brain) health. As per the new study, by the University of Exter, 26 healthy elderly people have taken part in two ten day supplementation periods. One having nitrate rich beetroot juice and another having nitrate free juice which they drank twice a day.
What the finding reveals?
The results highlighted that, higher level of bacteria, associated with good vascular and cognitive health and lower levels of bacteria linked to disease and inflammation. The systolic blood pressure dropped on average by 5 points after consuming beetroot juice.
What the Experts say?
We are really excited about these findings, which tend to have implication for healthy aging, stated lead author professor Anni Vanhatalo, of the university of Exeter.
Previous studies have compared the oral bacteria of both young as well as older people, and healthy individuals with those having diseases, but ours was the 1st to test the nitrate rich diet in the above added Vanhatalo.
The vanhatalo further stated, our findings suggest that by adding nitrate rich foods to the diet, in the above via beetroot juice, for mere ten days and substantially alter the oral microboime in the longer term it might slow down the negative vascular as well as cognitive changes associated with aging.
How to make beetroot juice?
You should take 2 medium size beetroot and then peel them and chop them into small cubes. Next, you should peel as well as chop one inch length piece of fresh ginger. Then add them to the blender and blend into a smooth puree. Add water to this juice and adjust the consistency. You can garnish them using salt, pepper and lemon juice.
In a nut shell, one should try to eat healthy and also drink healthy so that one keep the body mechanism smooth as well as effective and functioning.