World Hypertension Day: Everything you need to Know
One should avoid leading unhealthy lifestyle, to have healthy life

Hypertension, is also known as high blood pressure, it is a serious medical condition, it increases the risk of heart(arrhythmia,) brain(dementia), kidney and other diseases.
The above disease is one of the major cause for the premature death and the main factor for a individual to develop cardiovascular disease. A systolic pressure of less than 120 and diastolic pressure of less than 80 is normal blood pressure for both men and women.
Therefore, normal/average blood pressure is <120/80 mmhg
The World Hypertension Day is held each year, in order to promote the hypertension prevention and at the same time raise awareness to detect and control blood pressure levels. The objective of this day is to convey to the individuals the significance of hight blood pressure and serious medical complication caused by it, if it is not detected and controlled in time.
Few Facts
An estimated 1.3 billion adults whose age is between 30 and 79 years worldwide tend to suffer from hypertension, among which most (two-third) live in the middle as well as low-income nations.
• One in 5 adults have their hypertension under control
• Less than half of the population suffering from high blood pressure is diagnosed and treated
• Around 50% of adults are not aware that they are suffering from hypertension, as there is no warning signs, thus it can be silent killer.
Unhealthy life choices
High blood pressure develop over time in individuals due to their unhealthy life choices such as having junk food, not undertaking any physical activity, living or working in high stress environment etc. specific health conditions such as being obese and suffering from diabetes can increase the risk of developing hypertension.
Affect organs
High BP can affect a individual's health in numerous ways, it can damage major organs such as brain, eyes, kidneys and heart. However, in numerous cases, one can control their blood pressure levels to lower the risk of serious health related problems.