International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 2024

Update: 2024-06-26 11:42 IST

Every year on June 26th, the world commemorates the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Established by the United Nations in 1997, this day is dedicated to raising awareness about the atrocities of torture and showing solidarity with those who have endured such suffering.

Why is This Day Important?

Torture is among the most heinous acts humans can inflict on one another. It causes severe physical pain, and its psychological and emotional impacts are equally devastating. The United Nations firmly condemns torture and advocates for its eradication globally.


Understanding Torture

Torture involves the intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering on an individual, often to punish or extract information. This practice is a grave violation of human rights and is universally prohibited.

Key Points About Torture

Torture is Illegal Everywhere

• Torture violates international law.

• All nations are bound to uphold this prohibition, regardless of whether they have signed specific treaties.

• Widespread torture can constitute a crime against humanity.

No Excuses for Torture

• Torture is never justified.

• It remains impermissible even during wars or under national security concerns.

• The impacts of torture extend beyond the immediate victim, affecting families and communities for generations.

Torture is Still Happening

Despite its illegality, torture persists in many regions. According to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Alice Jill Edwards, its prevalence is increasing, partly due to the rising number of global conflicts since 1945.

Helping Victims of Torture

The Importance of Healing

Survivors of torture require specialized support to recover. Numerous organizations and centers worldwide are dedicated to aiding these individuals in rebuilding their lives.

The UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture

Managed by the UN Human Rights Office in Geneva, this fund provides essential support to torture victims and their families, including:

• Legal assistance

• Social support

• Humanitarian aid

• Psychological care

• Medical services

The fund aids various groups, such as:

• Human rights defenders

• Prisoners

• Children and teenagers

• Refugees and migrants

• Indigenous peoples

• LGBTI individuals

How Can We Support Victims of Torture?

On this International Day, we are called to action. Here are ways to help:

1. Raise Awareness: Inform others about the realities of torture and its consequences.

2. Support Organizations: Contribute to or volunteer with groups that assist torture survivors.

3. Speak Out: Publicly condemn torture whenever and wherever it occurs.

4. Learn More: Educate yourself about human rights and anti-torture efforts.

5. Show Compassion: Treat all individuals with dignity and respect, especially those who have suffered.

The Path to Healing

Recovery from torture is challenging but achievable. With proper support, survivors can transition from pain to healing. Rehabilitation centers demonstrate that victims can rebuild their lives and regain hope.

Why We Must Keep Fighting Torture

Eradicating torture is essential because:

• It safeguards human dignity.

• It upholds fundamental human rights.

• It prevents long-term trauma.

• It contributes to a more peaceful world.



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