Is Change uncomfortable?

Update: 2024-02-17 14:03 IST
Is Change uncomfortable?
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Adaptability is one of our greatest virtues. The difference between the ordinary and the extra-ordinary is that the latter embraced discomfort. For a butterfly to bloom, it has to undergo the struggle as a caterpillar. So whatever your goal may be, welcome discomfort with a smile. It is this very process that brings with it the satisfaction of achievement. A truly happy person actually invites discomfort with the knowledge that success is guaranteed!

Find out how you can too. Here are some suggestions

1. Sleep on the floor

Start with one day a month if you like, but do give this a shot!

2. Wake up earlier

According to scriptures, the ideal time to wake up is between 4 am to 6 am, when we are at our best. If you usually rise after 6 am, try and shift your body clock to half an hour earlier.

Tip: Keep the alarm away from your bedside!

3. Let breakfast be raw

When they say eat breakfast like a king, it only means eating the highest quality of food for optimum nourishment. Organic fruits and salads are the richest in nutrition. Start with a big glass of green smoothie. If you feel hungry again, have fruits.

4. Start lunch or dinner with a salad

Nutrients are the spare parts for healing and raw foods are the highest in nutrients. They are also the easiest to digest. So include a big bowl of salad with every meal. This will automatically reduce your intake of cooked food.

5. Intermittent fasting

If we were living in nature, we would be eating only between sunrise and sunset. Artificial light has upset our body clock. Intermittent fasting, or eating only during 8 hours of the day when the sun is up is a great way to reset your body clock.

6. Set a physical target for yourself

Resolve to do 50 surya-namaskars a day or 100 push ups a day or 200 star jumps a day. You don’t have to accomplish all of this at one time! You can spread the target across the day and do it whenever you get the time. Remember, start small and build it up slowly.

7. Challenge yourself

Take a cold shower on a cold day. Do an activity that you are not comfortable doing. Get into reading. Call up someone you have a problem with and share your thoughts with them…whatever it may be, challenge yourself. Get out of the comfort zone.

8. Work on your addictions

Having tea/coffee, being lazy, getting hooked to junk food, spending too much time on social media, smoking, alcohol – are all addictions. Consciously through this understanding, start working on these.

9. Do something new everyday

Routines are great, but there can be something new done within the routine. Take a different route to work. Join an interesting class. Opt to walk instead of drive to run an errand. Write a letter to someone. Rack your brain in a crossword.


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