Monday Morning Motivation to keep the Monday Blues at a Bay

Update: 2019-07-08 09:06 IST

Do you know the Blues of Monday morning? If not; this is what it looks like – it's Monday and in the morning you've got a sinking feeling.

Over the past weekend, you're brooding and dreading going back to work. Psychologists say Monday morning blues is an acute condition of mood in every segment of the workforce.

Severe to mild mood swings, lethargy and depression characterize it. As someone who has had this syndrome and still sometimes suffers from it, I'm talking about 10 tips that might be effective here.


According to Monster's research, nearly 77% of Americans suffer from blues on Monday morning. so as Indians.

Monday morning blues may start as early as Sunday afternoons for some people. You have an unpleasant feeling about the end of the weekend and your motivation to go to the office is zero.

Here, as a former full-time corporate employee, I used to loathe Monday, I have a confession to make. I was literally dragging myself out of bed in the morning and getting ready.

I fully understand your pain, dear reader. I've compiled a list of useful tips to help you get through Mondays and give you the motivation you need.

10 Tips for Monday Morning Blues Keep Sunday Activities Light:

    I hate killing your Sunday buzz, but keeping your Monday productive doesn't clutter your Sundays with back-to-back activities.

♦    The result of a hectic Sunday is a tired Monday.

♦    Sometimes people are so worried about Mondays that on Sunday they don't get the right rest or a good night's sleep.

♦    That's not exactly the perfect start to the week, and it also hinders your health.

♦    You can use these tips: Research shows that if workers wake up late on Sunday, their depression will increase over the end of the weekend. Instead, wake up reasonably early and indulge as a 10-minute workout in some physical activity.

♦    This is a good way to get your mood and body refreshed and energized.

♦    Have a nice family or friends brunch. Brunch on Sunday with loved ones makes the mind easier and gives you a sense of fulfillment.

♦    Buy food for the coming week during the evening or make a to-do list for the next day. This will prepare your mind for Monday automatically

♦    Treat yourself to some light music or read your favorite book.

♦    Sleep early for 8 hours of rest at least. You'll feel refreshed and ready to take the day when you wake up.

Check out this very useful article to enhance your mood on Monday It's not really about Mondays: Did you know most workers take an off on Mondays can call a mass bunk? Or report to the office late.

You already know the answer 'why' in the depths. The truth about blues on Monday morning is that your mood has nothing to do with it. In fact, it's about your job.You despise your job's monotony and seek a change.


♦    Huge workload.

♦    Low wages compared to pressure at work.

♦    Appealing boss.

♦    Colleagues who are not helpful. Difficulty in traffic.

♦    No balance between work and life.

♦    No prospects for growth.

♦    You want your own venture to begin.

If you say yes to all of these factors or at least one of them, please look for other opportunities for your health's sake.

If you think you're depressed or talk to someone you trust, seek a therapist. I had a good corporate job here, but for a long time, I was deeply unhappy.

I lived in denial and survived, or rather I was supposed to say my family survived my cranky swings of mood. The moment I realized that I really wanted (like, really, really wanted) to quit my own independent career. I'm not recommending that you guys do the same.

You're your best judge, so do for you what's good. But I'm going to say this, is it really worth it if your job affects your mental peace? Avoid Monday's heavy schedule: ask your supervisor to schedule Tuesday or Wednesday meetings, con-calls, presentations.

If you suffer from blues on Monday morning, then scheduling any client meetings for Monday is a very bad idea. The anxiety is going to ruin your mood on Sunday and maybe the whole weekend.

But if you have a hectic schedule that requires you to start working as soon as you arrive at the office. I'd suggest you find a quiet corner where you can be all by yourself whenever you get time. Just spend some time on your own.

Take the time to settle in: it's so important. It's hard to settle into the working mode after a relaxed weekend on Mondays. Take some time to settle in. Take Time To Settle In Office On Mondays Take Time To Settle In Office On Mondays A little chit-chat with your colleagues before diving into work.

Relax in a corner and enjoy a peaceful coffee. Spend online some time. (Isn't that obvious?) Don't think of the weekend: I know you've had a great weekend, but it's not the last weekend you've had. It will only make you sad if you are nostalgic.

So don't waste your time for your own good, rather shift your focus to the present day. Don't live for the weekends as well. If possible, take up a stress-relieving hobby like dancing during the weekdays.

Dont rush out of bed: Yes, when you wake up on Monday, you're lying on your bed for a while (2-3 minutes) and you're just looking at the ceiling. Absorb it all; give yourself a moment before you get out of bed.

This simple yet powerful technique of meditation is super effective against morning blues. In fact, before you leave the bed, you can use this technique every morning.

Eat your favorite breakfast: good food lifts our mood almost always and you can think of any other way to start the week than a hearty breakfast. You can think of Monday as the week's cheat day where you can get all your favorite food items.

Treat Mondays as your day of indulgence. Monday morning Indulge Yourself Go out for lunch: if you can sneak out of the office during lunch hours to eat with a friend or colleague. This will boost your mood and your body and mind will be so ready to settle down for the whole week when you return to the workplace.

Dress up Kill: Make an extra effort to look good on a Monday morning. Make yourself groomed. Wear something you feel confident about. Try new clothing or put on your favorite clothing. You actually try to fight that work-related sloth when you make an effort to look good.

Special Note Monday morning blues for parents are not limited to workers; this syndrome affects students equally. Children who are bullying victims or have learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) have been seen to be less enthusiastic about going to school on Mondays.

Children are also affected by Monday Blues If he/she appears unusually upset or quiet on Sundays or is reluctant to go to school in the morning, pay special attention to your child. You may have more stress on your child than you know.

Talk to them, try to find out if they're being bullied, or don't like a teacher, or if they're stressed about school exams and outcomes. Lastly, it is not necessarily bad on Mondays.

Monday blues are just our bodies' reaction to avoid something unpleasant. Hear your body, identify the root of the problem, and work towards a solution.

I hope this article was useful to you. If yes, leave in the comment section some love. Look forward to hearing about your thoughts

# MondayMorning # MondayMotivation # MondayBlues # Mondaymoods # Mondaywork # mondayinspiration # mondaycoffee # moodymondays



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