National Cat Herders Day
National Cat Herders Day

You don't have to be a cat lover to celebrate Cat Herders' day, you only have to be someone attempting to complete a seemingly impossible task or working in a job that is a continual up-hill battle, tall-order, hard-work, or in short, some activity that is like 'herding cats.' Have you ever seen a cowboy or cowgirl herding cats? Didn't think so – that's because if we ever attempted to it would take us longer than an infinite monkey to type the complete works of Shakespeare.
You've probably heard the saying that something is as impossible as "herding cats", used in reference to a seemingly futile or difficult task. Granted, if you have actually attempted to literally herd a bunch of cats for some reason or the other, you would know exactly how impossible this task actually is.
All of that said, as far as we know, there's no one out there who's actually a professional cat herder. If there were, this day would actually be for those folks. This is a day for everyone who has to face the frustration of trying to manage the unmanageable, anyone whose day to day life involves insurmountable tasks.
So who belongs to this lucky cat herding group who spend their lives on horseback searching the barren lands for cats to round up? Originally it referred to project managers of one kind or another, corporate staff, that sort of thing. But the concept has broadened to include anyone who feels they might be under appreciated. Care workers, house moms and dads, factory workers, taxi drivers, office staff with piles of folders, or call centre folk with targets to hit. If you're a member of this unfortunate group it's time to count yourself lucky, because December 15th, all day, every year, belongs entirely to you.