5 Habbits Which Can Make Your Marriage Happy

Update: 2022-09-24 09:45 IST

For representational purpose

Marriage is a holy institution, it brings so much happiness, people who have strained relationship with their partner go through so much of stress and they realize later, they were working on wrong things or even working on the right things in the wrong way.

Below you can find tips, which would help you to build happy married life and make your relationship with your partner stronger.


1. Cultivate healthy passion

In the beginning of a relationship, you are more obsessed with your partner and might also be distracted at work and might cancel your plans spending time with your friends or colleagues at work. In other words, you might not be engaging in activities, which you have enjoy, before the relationship and now, you are not able to focus on anything else, that could be more of an obsessive passion.

To make your relationship better with your partner, you should try to create an healthy passion, make room in your mind for your other interests and other people. Then, when you are with your partner, find ways to connect over things, which you both enjoy, it is about forging a deeper bond, not trying to be competitive, Pileggi states, do not choose something that you really like and enjoy and your wife has no interest in. The idea is to connect, not to compete.

2. Embrace the upside

At the beginning of a relationship, positive emotions are flowing with regularity. Excitement, joy, passion is all right at your fingertips. But, as the relationship progresses and you both get more comfortable with each other, few people expect that those positive emotions will just happens without any effort.

So, couples in the long-term relationship, who are looking to cultivate positive emotions must ask themselves what can they do each day, what activities or actions, they can do in order to keep positive emotions flowing in a marriage.

For example, you have got new gym membership and went only once and stated, okay, now I am going to be fit, it will not happen, instead, you must work out regularly and throughout your lifetime.

3. Savour Experiences

Positive emotions and moments are fleeting. Research reveals that, if you spend at least minutes savouring something, which could increase your satisfaction. She states, one way to do that is sharing secrets with one another. Ask your spouse about a favourite childhood experience, or a secret they never told anyone or big idea or dream they always had for the future. The point is this, the more you open up and talk about these sorts of things, the deeper a bond you are able to create.

4. Locate and focus on your strengths

What are your partner's strengths? Are you aware? Researchers have identified, character traits, that people possess in different measures. Things like creativity, curiosity, zest, love of learning, leadership. Once you are determined what your strengths are, you can have conversations with each other about them. From there, you both can go on a strength date. Each of you can pick a top strength and go on a date that plays to -satisfies both of them.

5. Emphasize gratitude

If your partner feels taken advantage of and not acknowledged, they are not going to be satisfied. She says, and just saying "thanks" isn't enough. An example, if your spouse offers you a gift or does something kind for you, do not just thank them, but also say something like, you really know what I need and you're such a good listener or you are so thoughtful, and I can see how thoughtful you are with our children and the way you are work.

It is about being deliberate and specific in how you tend to express appreciation for your partner. Express your thanks and express it well, which means focus on your partner and her actions and her strengths rather than solely on the gift and the benefit to you. The end result, couple who did this decreased their chances of breaking up six months later by 50%.



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