Different Types of Romantic Relationships Exist: Know What they are
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When you have better understanding of varied type of relationship, this would help you understand as to what type of relationship you tend to share with your romantic partner, this would also help you navigate your future with this person with more self-awareness, compassion as well as mutual respect.
Humans are not perfect, similarly human relationship may not the perfect one, as those who are in deeply in love would expect it to be. Few may have experienced problems in their relationship when compared to others.
When you have better understanding of varied type of relationship, this would help you understand as to what type of relationship you tend to share with your romantic partner, this would also help you navigate your future with this person with more self-awareness, compassion as well as mutual respect.
1. The Asexual or Sex-Averse Compatible Love Relationship
We find relationship without sexual intimacy can be compatible as well as satisfying, especially when two individuals are not particularly interesting in sex.
Asexuals exist and their asexuality is not a defect or anomaly. What makes them asexual, is their lack of sexual attraction -not a complete lack of interest in sex. Few asexuals are sex-averse (sexual intimacy does not appeal to them.
2. Allosexual Compatible Relationship
That said, there is nothing wrong having a truly compatible romantic couple enjoying a physical intimacy. When it is part of a healthy romantic relationship, should not be used as a weapon or should be used as a duty-it can draw you both closer.
When the love is real and the attraction (not just mere physical but soul-deep) is strong, you can have compatible relationship. There would be challenges. But, you have to ensure there exists a strong foundation and you would find a way to overcome them.
3. Open Relationship
In an open relationship allow the both the partners to date (and to be intimate with) other people. It similar to the one having no-strings relationship/arrangement, but it might have the outward appearance of exclusivity. Or there might simply be more of commitment to stay together as a couple.
The success of these relationship does depend primarily as to whether both parties are equally happy having the arrangement. If one wishes to be exclusive but the other does not, then breakup usually tend to happened as a result.
4. The independent Relationship
In an independent relationship, you are on your own, you might do very little as a couple. You might live together (or not) and you would probably do spend some time together.
But neither of you might depend on the other for financial or personal support. You are technically a couple, but there is no real interdependence there. If you have both been codependent relationships, it might feel like exactly what you need right now/
5. The Codependent Relationship
In an codependent relationship, you both depend on each other to function, hence separation would definitely cause distress or intense anxiety. You may feel incomplete without them and vice-versa.
6. The Chameleon Relationship
In this relationship, one of both of you might change yourselves to appeal the other person. It is one person who changes themselves, so that they can please the one they wish to be with in many cases.
If you are the Chameleon, you would probably sacrifice few interests and possibly even a relationship or two to make yourself more pleasing or attractive to your partner.
7. The Dominant/Submissive Relationship
If one is proud to be identified as the "the one who wears the pants" there is a problem. Neither person in a loving relationship must aspire to be the one who dominates their partner or who has a position of authority over them.
That is not love, it is dominion. And you would exercise that over someone, whom you do not see them as your equal. If someone expects unconditional obedience ( or any other kind) from you, you do not have relationship between two equal partners.
8. The Toxic Relationship
Here, another situation where you would stay together for a practical reason or because one of you is in a dominant role and maintain control over the other. There might be a strong attraction between you, but the love is either one-sided or nonexistent.
9. Rebound relationship
In this relationship, one of you might get in this relationship right after breaking up with someone else or being dumped. And we get it. Why should you waste time grieving someone you cannot be with when you can get back out there?
It is essential though, both of you must know and are okay with a relationship that is not everything you wish it to be. At some point, that would come up. And another break-up would likely be the result.
10. The last resort Relationship
Think of movies based on an agreement between two best friends, if we do not find someone before the age of 30, we would marry each other. Except in the movies, they usually end up falling for each other.
In these types of relationships, one would typically get along great as long as neither one tend to complicate things by wishing intimacy more than the other one or falling in love with someone else.
No one must be your last resort neither you must be anyone's either.
11. No strings relationship
Here in this relationship, there is no commitment needed, it could be all about hooking up. Or it might be a " friends with benefits " situation.
Might be you just get along well, that it seems archaic to you both in order to keep it platonic. But you do not wish to have the restrictions that come with an exclusive relationship.
Whatever the situation, might be, when there is no real commitment to each other, it will not take much to run this relationship in to the ground.
12. The no-breathing-room Relationship
we do everything together, if you are already cringing, that is a good sign. This is similar to a codependent relationship, but it is based less on insecurity or feat than on the mistaken idea that couple do everything together.
-One of you goes to a concert with friends while the other one goes to spa
-One of you tries an interesting new recipe while the other reads in another room.
-One of you visit the family while the other stays home for some time alone.
13. The Long Distance Relationship
Long distance relationships are very tough, it is one thing, if you are only separated for a matter of days, weeks or months. It is hard enough, but if you know you would be together within an acceptable time-frame, it can still work.
-one of you might fall for someone who is in closer proximity
-The lack of any kind of physical intimacy can put a strain on the relationship
-you might find that your relationship was mostly physical to begin with.
14. The Gold Digger Relationship
In a gold-digging relationship, one partner essentially takes advantage of the other. It is one-sided exploitation; one is the gold and the other is the digger.
If you are the gold, you do not get much out of the relationship. But definitely you tend to enjoy the gold-digger's company but at some point, you would have to acknowledge that the only reason they are around is that they want something, which you can give them.
-wealth and access to the lifestyle they want
-Powerful connections and prestige ( for career advancement)
-Fame by association
15. The Transactional Relationship
This one is similar to the gold-digging relationship, but the exploitation is mutual. If you are thinking, we could have arrangement that would suit us both, you might be in a transactional relationship.
It does not mean you cannot have a deep mutual appreciation, but your couple hood has more to do with what you can do for each other or what each of you gets out of it.
For example, one of you gets to be rich and the other gets to have a gorgeous partner in their arm. In the public eye, you might the "it" couple. You look good together on paper but not behind closed doors. And at some point, one or both of you will want more.
Which relationship you wish to have?
Now that you are familiar with varied relationships, now decide which one is close to your current or most recent-love relationship? Or how many of these relationships you are familiar with.
Every relationship has something worthwhile to teach, after sharing an relationship, definitely you would have grown wiser and you can also share your thought to those in your close circle needs your advice or guidance about relationships.