How to find, whether you are in love with someone?
How to find, whether you are in love with someone?
Love is very complex emotion, which comes from building trust, comfort and also compatibility with someone. But how to find out, whether you really love someone you have mere crush on the other is quite difficult.
Here you can find few scientifically backed signs which will help you know as to whether you love someone.
-You have fun together
Here you can find few scientifically backed signs which will help you know as to whether you love someone. When you are able to have fun with someone, even when the other hits the fan, it is a surefire sign, you are more than just lusting after them. Having fun is very significant part of building a close and trusting relationship, so if you cannot laugh and play together, something might be amiss.
-You Adapt their love language
Everyone receive as well as give love differently, few value gifts while others focus on quality time spent together, if you are eager to learn more about your partner and what brings them joy, it is definite sign your feelings for them are deepening.
-You feel absolutely safe with them
Its absolutely essential to feel safe in a relationship, emotionally, physically and sexually. Knowing you can be yourself around your partner without fear or judgement is a clear sign that feelings in partnership run deeper than a fling. If you do not feel at ease with a person, they most likely are;t "The one",
-You do nice things for them
When you begin to prioritize as well as anticipate your partner's feeling, you are probably subconsciously starting to see them as someone whom you can attach to longer than a few dates. This, of course, does not mean you start putting their needs before yours, it means you do nice things such picking up a coffee for them from your local barista.
-You can shop with them
There is a grain of truth to numerous memes that joke about a trip to IKEA undoing a relationship, shopping with someone is hard. Venturing into any store is less about buying items together than it about supporting each person's likes and dislikes and figuring out how to keep each other happy. So if you enjoy purchasing anything from groceries to furniture with your partner, he or she is probably a keeper.
-You can think of them regularly
Maybe you spend your afternoons looking back fondly on the weekend you spent with them, or you plan ahead for the next time you are set to meet. Either way, if you devote few minutes of your daily life to daydreaming about your mate, it is likely a sign you are more than a little loved up.
-You support their goals
A loving relationship is full of support, with each partner pushing the other to accomplish the goals they set for themselves. If you find that you are your mate's biggest cheerleader and that you encourage them when things do not go their way, you might be head over heels.
-You feel excited
When an individual is in love, their body experiences a rush of hormones, that tend to make them feel energized and also almost tingly all over. Those hormones are also what makes it feel like you cannot get enough of a person when you see them. In short, everything feels a little ore sensational when you are in love.
-You feel bit jealous
Jealousy is often looked upon as being a bad emotion, but more often than not its, what you do with the feeling that matters. If you tend to worry about them leaving you, it is hint your relationship isn't meant to be. But if you trust them and your pangs of jealousy are more missing them and passively wondering what they are upto, that might be a sign you are more in them than you think.
-You accept their flaws
No one is perfect and when you begin to come to terms with the traits that make your mate less desirable, that's likely a sign you are starting to fall for them.
-You are about more than sex
Hitting the sheets with a partner is a fun and essential part of a healthy relationship, but any lasting partnership must involve more than lust. If your heart skips a beat at mere thought of cuddling with your guy or gal, relationship experts agree, you are likely in love and love to have long-term relationship.
-You no longer get obsessed with your ex
You have an ex? Oh right, most people do, if you find your mind focusing more on future moments with your partner than on past predicaments with a love interest who came before, it is a sign you are moved on and are looking for love in all the right places.
-You are honest with them
Honesty makes the heart grow fonder, literally, if you feel you can be authentic and open with your mate about practically anything, from your past relationships to your current fears and pet peeves, it is a sign, he or she could be " The one".
-You offer them space
Its great to want to be closer to your mate, but knowing they deserve space and that you trust them to take some time away and hone their own interest is a key sign you support and love them.
-You look at them ---- a lot
Harvard Researchers have found, couples who are deeply in love look at each other about 75% of time while talking. Basically, if you stare into your mate's eyes, you are likely nuts about them.