Seven lessons for a happier life

Update: 2019-06-11 23:32 IST
Seven lessons for a happier life

I wish I had learned these seven lessons when I was younger. It would have helped me get on the path to a happier and healthier life:

Health is priority #1: No matter how much success, money, or fame you have, it's all useless without your health. Invest in your health. Treat your body like a temple. It's your #1 priority.

Appreciate your journey: It's easy to get caught up worrying about the future or regretting the past. Instead of doing that, focus on appreciating the NOW. Everything that has happened in the past has led you to become who you are today. These experiences have shaped you to become the person you are today. Embrace it and use your learnings to become the best possible version of yourself.


Everyone has their own timeline: One of my other friends has been working a full time job for 12 years and is still searching for his calling. And you know what? That's awesome. Because everyone has their own timeline and journey. Don't worry about what other people are doing - just focus on what's right for you.

One of the best ways to learn is to simply start: So what's my point? Want to build your own online business? Get started on building that website. Want to become an actor? Start auditioning. Want to become a doctor? Start studying. Don't wait for someone to give you the "go ahead" signal. Just go ahead and do it.

Giving back is one of the most rewarding experiences: Our time here on earth is limited. I've found that I've been lucky enough to learn a lot of great life lessons and skills and every time I've paid it forward I've found it to be one of the most rewarding experiences. If you have something to offer the world, give it!

Start telling yourself how you can and not why you can't: It's easy to make excuses. I kept telling myself that if I wrote every three days, my writing would dramatically improve and that readers would eventually like my writing. Fast forward to today, where I've now written 139 answers and have over 12 million views. It wasn't easy. It took me over a year to get to this point. But I was right.

Experimenting is one of the best ways to learn: So what did I do? I experimented a ton to figure out the best approach. I hopped on 10 free consulting calls to learn how I could help people in the most impactful way possible. Guess what happened? I was able to sign on four new clients for consulting engagements in just one week.




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