Zeel Thacker says quality content on social media gives the best output numbers

Update: 2020-05-17 15:08 IST
Zeel Thacker

Online marketing experts are spending a lot of time in building the reputation of brands over the digital space. With everything going digital, many businesses have made their presence over the web where content travels like the speed of light. The digital marketing maestro named Zeel Thacker based in Gujarat provides the best of social media services to brands and influencers. He started things at a young and has his own company with a well-established team.

The emerging social media expert with a team of talented people has done various online campaigns for the clients in Gujarat. Zeel, who is a 17-year old guy is studying mechanical engineering and is even working as a digital marketer. His interest in doing social media campaigns made him an expert who has managed the pages of many public figures and celebrities. "Social media has become a part of everyone's lives and many young people including me are marketing themselves over the internet", quoted Thacker. He started his journey by becoming a social media handler.

Besides helping the brands to build their online presence, Zeel also holds expertise in giving technical support to well-known names from different industries. With a specialization in YouTube marketing, SEO building, online advertising through Google AdSense, the 20-year old offers everything to the clients in terms of marketing services. Besides this, he considers himself a self-learner and is thankful to the internet for providing multiple business opportunities.

"People see what you show them. Marketing yourself over the web has become very important as it helps in creating the impression of the brand", said Zeel. In the present situation of lockdown, Zeel is utilizing his time in learning different social media skills. With a major focus on providing quality over quantity, he said, "Quality content will always give you higher reach in terms of numbers. Take time for your input and give extraordinary output." Apart from this, Zeel is currently working on many other plans to take his works across the borders in the next 3 years.


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