International Museums Day Live Updates – The Preservers of History

Update: 2023-05-18 07:55 IST

Museums across the country will open from November 10

What is a museum? It is defined as "a building or institution that cares for and displays a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance." 

The definition itself presents a wide range of credits that museums should receive for preserving history. And the history of India, without a doubt, is one of the richest and most varied histories in the world. But history comes in different forms. It can be through art, culture, science or natural objects. The history can be understood through esteemed facets such as paintings, carvings, documents, and weaponry. At the same time, it can also be seen through the prism of everyday objects, such as clothing, pots and pans, toys, cutlery, and more. Either way, history or heritage is preserved through tangible items and it is a museum that houses them.

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2023-05-18 06:42 GMT

The 2011 UNESCO report noted that national museums did not have adequate security measures in place, leaving museums at high risk of theft. day-to-day operations.

2023-05-18 06:42 GMT

Government museums make up 90 per cent of the roughly 1,000 museums in India. They are banned from partnerships with private individuals or organisations, and have to depend on Central funding even for of the collections.

2023-05-18 06:42 GMT

 Lack of proper funding is a major issue which determines upgradation of museum infrastructure, use of technology and proper maintenance of collections

2023-05-18 06:41 GMT

 There is a huge disconnect between academia and museums and very few options for training students in art management, curatorial management, collection management, design, or communication technology.

2023-05-18 06:41 GMT

Many museums in India fail to attract the public. Museums lack proper guides, guides and audios.

2023-05-18 06:41 GMT

In 2010, UNESCO released a report on dire conditions in India's eight major museums, citing poor maintenance, lighting and signage, among other issues.

2023-05-18 06:40 GMT

Inadequate conservation and preservation practices in museums have led to the destruction and loss of collections. For example, the 2nd BC Yakshi statue. C. and a Mauryan lion from the third BC.  in India's oldest museum in Calcutta, were damaged due to careless handling by poorly trained museum workers.

2023-05-18 06:14 GMT

Lack of vision and experience: In India, a large number of museums do not have directors. In addition, it is common practice to appoint officials who lack experience and knowledge of artistic or curatorial practices as museum directors.

2023-05-18 05:27 GMT

Security: The museum collects and stores ancient and precious objects or works of art and therefore ensuring the security and protection of these is an important function.

2023-05-18 05:27 GMT

Exhibition: It is an important function of any museum and each museum exhibits objects forming permanent galleries or organizing temporary exhibitions.



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