International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates: Women Tech Leaders on "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow"

Live Updates - Page 6
2022-03-08 08:07 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: Women bring richness to an organization and companies especially the PSUs these days are more conscious of the needs of women professionals joining their organizations. Each time a woman stands up for herself she stands up for all women, said Maya Angelou exhorting women to be assertive and thereby setting a path for others. This quote cannot be over-emphasized. I feel women today need to explore their potential, continually challenge themselves to get into leadership roles. A combination of emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and empathy allow women to leverage communication in deeper and more impactful ways. Women leaders have long used this skill in building relationships with co-workers, employees, partners and clients. I must state that the number of women in public sector is growing as more and more as in other sectors and are rising up the leadership ladder which very heartening to note. PSUs are a very empowering platforms for women and women should not shy away from exploring opportunities here.

Ila Bahadur, Executive Director (Technology & Projects), ITI Limited

2022-03-08 07:50 GMT

"India is on a global map for all the good things but also for not-so-good things. One of that is gender inequality. Women in India are deprived of their fundamental rights and are excluded. White light is a great example to understand the role of all rainbow colors. Seven colors of a rainbow make the white light and the absence of even one colour will hinder the process of white light formation. Similarly, if a country doesn’t utilise all genders and their potential, the foundation of that country will wobble. It’s time for India and the world to equate all genders for a sustainable tomorrow."

Shikha Mittal, Founder, Be.artsy and Be Your Own Shakti

2022-03-08 07:28 GMT

International Women's Day 2022: “Societies, communities and nations will have truly progressed when each person has access to socio-economic opportunities to learn and grow, with dignity and respect, while ensuring their physical and mental well-being. And this sustained growth stems from a more inclusive environment where through equal gender representation, we encourage new thinking, challenge the status quo, unlock innovation, and create avenues for people to realize their true potential across all spheres and strata of life. Gender equality is that first step, that foundational element of commitment to growth today for a more progressive and positive tomorrow.”

 Dr Ritu Anand, Chief Leadership & Diversity Officer at Tata Consultancy Services

2022-03-08 07:26 GMT

International Women's Day: "Women have always been the epitome of strength, love, and courage. They represent half of the overall productivity as a society for us. While their representation hasn't been equal in all industries, their role has definitely changed and for better. With women taking over the world at workplace, they are paving path for a brighter future. It should come as no surprise that we have better women leaders today and with this increased representation, it is just a matter of time before women contribute equally in sectors that they haven't been."

Sucheta Mahapatra, MD, Branch Personal Finance App

2022-03-08 07:15 GMT

"To enable economic activity, easy access to mobility must be provided to all. To build an optimum mobility solution, Yulu has the best minds persevering together. I have seen no distinction in the quality of work done by my male and female colleagues. Everyone gets an equal opportunity here at Yulu and is recognized for their merit. Together, we are striving to ensure affordability, availability, and accessibility of mobility"

Mamta Bhatia, Investor Relations & Strategic Projects Lead, Yulu

2022-03-08 06:48 GMT

"Women are now everywhere! In almost all the sectors and fields, across levels, women are simply thriving. I feel there is no stopping from here on, and that there is still scope left and many challenges to overcome. Women across the globe have been doing some wonderful work, not just for the businesses but for the environment as well. These fine women are leading by example and showing the world that women can do so much more! The younger generation of girls need to see and have more role models, who can inspire them and motivate them to elevate and flourish in life and take their career in the right direction."

Komal Somani, Whole Time Director and Chief Marketing Officer, ESDS Software Solution Ltd.

2022-03-08 06:48 GMT

Happy International Women’s Day 2022: I am of the firm belief women can lead in the field of technology and contribute to innovation as much as men. Opportunities must be created in workplaces to motivate women to take up leadership roles and women entrepreneurs must be encouraged in the IT & ITeS industry as well. Women should continue to work hard and constantly update themselves with technological as well as business skills to become future ready. Technological innovation will benefit both women and men alike, hence both genders should work together now, to build a sustainable tomorrow.

Anjna Bhati, Director Data Analytics and AI, BluePi Consulting

2022-03-08 06:45 GMT

"I'm proud to work alongside people who believe in gender equality as much as I do. Take my fellow co-founders, for instance, they always look for ways to make every team member feel included. It was these male co-founders of mine that came up with the idea of period leaves for the women of our team. As members of society, it's our responsibility to care, and to act with gratitude and respect. It's the little things that we do — whether it's what we teach our kids, how we treat our teams, or even how we act socially that make a difference in the larger scheme of things."

Monalisha Thakur, Co-founder & CMO of Tummoc

2022-03-08 06:35 GMT

“The full and equal participation of women in political, civil, economic, social and cultural life and the eradication of all forms of discrimination on grounds of sex must be the priority objectives of the international community. Integration and full participation of women as both agents and beneficiaries in the development process, where women are at the decision making posts shall promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Every woman needs to be self-reliant to build a self-reliant India, and the first step towards this is to change mindsets. Leaders need to invest in the next generation of leaders, through mentoring and building mentor-mentee relationships. Especially women achievers need to expand their sense of possibilities, step-up and take the lead to devise more innovative and creative solutions to achieve gender equality and industry leaders must use their knowledge and experiences to build high-quality skilled women entrepreneurs.”

Archana Surana, Founder & Director, Arch College of Design and Business

2022-03-08 06:33 GMT

“Gender equality is a basic and important human right and in today’s world, recognizing the contribution of women and girls around is important to build a more sustainable future for all. At Xapads, trust is the foremost core value which is why today our employees feel proud of being associated with their work and the work culture. To ensure this ‘trustworthiness’ we stand by the principle of equality and promote leadership and fair treatment on the basis of talents, not on gender grounds. Today we have a Male female ratio of 60:40 which helps as a better working environment for women too . Last but not the least empowering women and girls help to develop economic growth and support social development.”

Akanksha Tripathi, GM - Human Resource, Xapads Media



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