Abuse, revenge replace humility, politeness in public life

Update: 2024-06-23 10:53 IST

V Ramu Sarma in the write-up - "Jan Nayaks - a thing of the past in Indian democracy"- has truly elucidated that today's political leaders are corrupt and selfish and enter politics only to amass wealth than serving the people with humility. However, in a representative parliamentary democracy like ours, transparency, rule of law and accountability must prevail at all times but sadly every party infested by tainted, criminals and inferiors with bloated egos.


As a result, the political system already in a deep mess is further deteriorating and crumbling with leaders like Jagan Mohan Reddy caring two hoots for the criticism leveled against him for splurging public money running to hundreds of crores by building a palace like guest house in Rushikonda near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh even where there is no need for such opulence.

Another classic example that comes to the mind is Arvind Kejriwal spending 50 crores plus from the exchequer to build an extravagant residence for use of chief minister in Delhi even when there was no need. From all accounts, their actions when crores of people living in footpaths are struggling hard to get two square meals a day is not only condemnable but also amounts to belittling democracy.

Further, lack of giving more importance to public perceptions by political parties, political parties are resorting to lies and deceit to achieve their objective, as a result, political environment has hit the rock-bottom. In the past era, leaders were large-hearted, sympathetic to people's demands, their personal life-style reflected simplicity and honesty to the core and discharge of functions were exemplary.

Comparatively, in the present day, caste coming as a handy tool to play vote-bank and appeasement politics by self-serving leaders, it has only led to steadily deteriorating standards in political life due to disrespect shown to some men and women besides anger, abuse and revenge anathema to democracy replacing humility and politeness.

By and large, Plato's remarks that "Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men" aptly applies to the present day politics where the political decay represents a core malaise with the result debate on critical and pressing issues of governance is drowned in rhetoric of personification.

As power is not the monopoly of one group or party, political parties and leaders must remember that to protect democratic values, it is necessary people as a watchdog should ensure that corrupt and tainted politicians should be shown the door, to put an end to corruption, muscle and money power and as well stop virulent attack by some members on their adversaries.

It is only then, parliament supposed to be the nation's crucible for the highest form of debate, highest standard of decorum and the highest level of earnestness practiced to the hilt in the bygone era and shown the way can be restored to save democracy.

- K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad



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