Beware of polarisation politics, dear countrymen!

Update: 2022-02-13 02:30 IST

It is gratifying to see the Apex Court assuring the people of protection of their rights amid disturbing manifest of intolerance especially of younger minds towards what others wear. (Will protect fundamental rights of all : SC - THI, 12 February). In a country such as India known for its diversity in the form of multiple religious practices, varied dietary habits, different cultural traditions and myriad dress code preferences, it will be a misadventure that harms country immensely if ideology of certain political group/religious outfit is sought to be imposed on all Indians.


The religious practices such as Muslim girls wearing hijab, Sikhs wearing turban never provoked the followers of the majority religion till recently to take cudgels against these minorities. Strangely now, Muslim girl students in Karnataka are being not allowed to attend schools with hijab. It is worrying to see teenage students of majority religion drawing swords with their fellow girl students of minority religion which speaks volumes of poison of hatred being injected into minds of children at a tender age in the name of religion.

Who is responsible for this alarming situation ? What happened to the concept of our National Pledge "All Indians are my brothers and sisters?" Are children not being imparted values by parents at home and by teachers at school ? What are the factors which are negatively influencing the minds of children/students ? Is it selfish politicians and fake religious leaders who, through their false narratives, are making children to see everything through the lens of religion

Distressingly, a reprehensible political attempt has been made recently by some BJP leaders of Haryana and U.P to polarise voters in the ongoing Assembly Elections to five States with a false narrative that Shah Rukh Khan spat on mortal remains of legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar. But the video reveals that the veteran Bollywood actor didn't spit and paid the homage perfectly according to the Islamic tradition of blowing the air with mouth. Couldn't these politicians find a valid issue other than this to mobilise voters for their party?

The ongoing divisive political discourse in the country seems to be intended for short-term political gains which has the potential to eat into the secular fabric of the country and to break the unity and harmony among the people that will certainly take country backwards. We are already seeing the absence of constructive political/legislative debates and people being distracted in every possible way to let ineptitude in governance be unquestioned. Shockingly, intellectuals and celebrities aren't daring to condemn the harmful political misadventures for fear of being targeted by the powers that be.

As said by the famous English Journalist Mark Thomas " Believing is easier than thinking; that is why there will always be more believers than thinkers." Obviously when thinkers are outnumbered by believers scientific temper, rational approach and logical debates will vanish in due course which will give rise to false narratives, superstitious beliefs and intimidating tactics.That is what is going on in the country now.

Let us hope that people will ultimately realise the perils of polarisation politics and rise to the occasion by judiciously using the weapon of vote without getting enticed by allurements to make the country stronger where growth of economy, survival of secularism, strengthening of democracy are pivotal to governance.

Narne Raveendra Babu



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