Let India Achieve True Freedom

Update: 2019-08-14 07:40 IST

August 15 the Independence day,

The whole nation wakes up

To the joy of celebration

Of the national festival,

The Tri-colour unfurled

In schools, colleges and offices

Flying high in the Indian-sky,

Kissed by the morning Sun

Looks so beautiful,

Patriotic songs sung by folks

With patriotic fervour

Ringing myriad melodies

In the souls of all Indians,


All patriots and martyrs

Of Indian freedom-struggle

Stirring in the hearts of all Indians,

A serene pool of deep gratitude

For their noble sacrifices;

We're all proud and joyous on this day,

Because on the same day,

More than seven decades ago,

India attained freedom,

But an agony gnawing

At every Indian heart,

Indian masses yet to attain freedom

From age-long poverty

Illiteracy and ill-health;

Indian farmer yet to win freedom

From debt-traps and suicides;

Indian women still in the grip

Of male-ego and lust yet to be liberated

From the stigma of atrocities,

The country yet to be freed

From corruption and socio-political evils,

Our leaders yet to realise the fond dreams

Of our freedom-fighters and martyrs,

Renouncing dirty politics and sordid power-strategies;

It's time for every Indian and Indian leader

To introspect on this glorious day

And strive to achieve true freedom


Through dedication and untiring industry

With patriotic spirit in their hearts,

Then, the Indian flag ever keeps flying

Higher and higher in the world-sky.

— Dr Venugopala Rao Kaki, Kakinada



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