Live with utmost caution

Update: 2020-06-08 01:19 IST
Live with utmost caution

The COVID-19 pandemic has shattered the lives of people directly and indirectly. The world has come to standstill for some months thereby affecting employment and livelihood of many people in India.

Worst affected are migrant workers who walked miles and miles on bare foot to reach their native places facing agony.

Governments both at central and state have done their part in controlling this pandemic initially by imposing lockdown for certain duration.


This has dealt a severe blow to the economy of our country and also the livelihood of many people. The lockdown has invariably hit all the sectors of the economy: agriculture and allied, manufacturing, services and foreign trade.

To bring the economy of the country back on track governments are relaxing lockdown conditions one after another in a phased manner. Until the vaccine is developed, people need to live with it with utmost caution.

Everybody should restrict their movements and step out only for essential needs, i.e. no unnecessary strolls outside their homes, maintain social distance, wear masks and use sanitisers when they go out.

Industries who have large work force can work in three shifts instead of two for maintaining social distance. The life post-corona will be entirely different until a cure is discovered.

Nagendra Kumar Vempally, Senior MEP engineer, Ramtech consulting, Hyderabad



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