My Voice: Views of our readers 30nd july 2023

Update: 2023-07-30 06:00 IST

Much ado, but less substance in Parl

Ramu Sarma’s sensible article titled ‘It’s time for Bharat Jodo in Parliament’ is timely. The ongoing tussle between the BJP and the opposition parties in the present winter parliament session looks like a comedy of errors by the so-called opposition parties.

When on the very first day, the government welcomed the opposition parties to discuss the Manipur ethnic issue, instead of discussing the burning issue they kept insisting on PM’s statement in parliament. This they carry on even after the home minster Amit Shah addressed Lok Sabha. As you have rightly pointed out that the intention of opposition is exposed, somehow they want to keep the Manipur issue alive so that it may help them gain votes in next general election and may improve its sagging image. The precious time in the parliament is meant for discussion on bills introduced by government and for making necessary suggestions, but they go on making noise and turn both the houses in to bedlam.


Is the Manipur problem created by BJP government to be solved instantly? Earlier, the Congress government encouraged Kukis who unlawfully migrated to Manipur from Burma and Bangladesh and converted to Christianity and many laws are passed by the then government to the disadvantage of majority Meitieis who are Hindus. Again, the introduction of no confidence motion against the government is another blunder and time-consuming event. Finally, what the opposition achieved by their tactics is nothing but criminal waste of parliament time wasting crores of tax payers money. All are watching the endless theatrics enacted by opposition which are of no use to solve the long burning issue of Manipur.

Just by removal of Chief Minister and a statement by PM in the house, the erupted ethnic flames cannot be doused. As you have suggested, both the ruling dispensation leaders and the opposition leaders must sit together and honestly discuss the issue threadbare and find a solution, though temporary, for peace to prevail, and that action may be called Bharat jodo. Hope good sense prevails over combating parties and they work out ways to restore peace in Manipur, and participate in the discussion of bills. We know our suggestion is a cry in the wilderness.

– Rama Krishna M, Kakinada

The writer V Ramu Sarma has correctly analysed that the opposition alliance I.N.D.I.A literally failing to utilise the golden opportunity offered by Home Minister Amit Shah to debate the Manipur issue is unfortunate. In the first place, Manipur should never have been allowed to escalate like it did for which both the ruling and the opposition have to be blamed. Even as unrelenting opposition wants PM Modi's response on Manipur, NDA, too, is uncompromising, arguing that Home Minister Amit Shah, responsible for internal security had written to opposition for a comprehensive debate.

Therefore, it is obviously clear that the cat-mouse drama played out by NDA and I.N.D.I.A is not to douse the raging inferno in Manipur but to derive political mileage from a tragedy ahead of the polls. Ironically, Congress appears to be ignorant of having set a precedent about a decade ago when after the then PM Manmohan Singh refused to make a statement on the infamous Nirbhaya case, it was Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde who made a statement despite opposition's demand for Prime Minister's intervention. By and large, North-East and, in particular, Manipur has been witnessing frequent ethnic clashes for decades and unfortunately for the sake of votes, Congress and the Left parties in alliance with local parties only turned a blind eye whenever group clashes erupted. Due to this, ethnic groups in North-eastern states were in perpetual conflict. Even as no attempts were made by parties to find a lasting solution, the situation only blew up often bringing untold miseries to the people of the state.

Ostensibly, keeping the pot boiling during the tumultuous period in the early nineties and later in the first decade of this century further polarised the Kuki-Meitei communities, leading to the present situation. It is time lawmakers instead of precipitating the conflict for political considerations must first set aside their differences and take all stake-holders into confidence to find a way out to prevent such violence in future without further delay.

– K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

V Ramu Sarma has perfectly made the observation that all political parties were successful in organising Bharat Jodo Yatra for several months in the country but simply couldn't maintain the same stand in the parliamentary dealings, too, resulting in the same old phenomenon of adjournments one after another. Manipur unrest is certainly an important issue to be discussed by all the political parties in a true spirit and if the Union Home Minister talks on the issue, what is the blunder in it?

After all, even on earlier occasions, too, when Congress was in power, Prime Minister Manmohanji did not answer or clarify on several issues but allowed the ministries concerned to reply to the points raised by the parliamentarians. Only when the points were not properly clarified, he intervened to state the government stand on the issues. Unfortunately, the present opposition parties are more interested in creating nuisance rather than taking the government's opinion. This type of approach will never allow any debates on any issues including Manipur and it will only end up in adjournments wasting huge public money.

– Katuru Durga Prasad Rao, Hyderabad

Manipur issue is still on the boil. The release of a disturbing video showing two women being paraded naked by mob has triggered a wide spread protest and discontentment across the Indian Subcontinent. The video has gone viral and the news has been spread like a wild fire. This incident is yet another slur on the integrity and reputation of our country. It pricks the conscience of every Indian who yearns for a peaceful and comfortable life.

It is quite shocking that many more cases of similar atrocities against women in the state have been reported recently. It is quite deplorable, contemptuous and embarrassing. The centre and the state government should work hand in glove to tackle the situation in Manipur timely and wisely. The decision taken by the INDIA, a new alliance formed by the opposition parties, to send a delegation of 20 MPs to Manipur in order to assess the ground situation first hand and make recommendations to the government and Parliament for a solution to the problems in the violence-hit state is certainly laudable and appreciable.

– Prabhakaran Vallath, Vatakara (Kozhikode)

The Opposition I.N.D.I.A is oblivious to the fact of how much they have missed out in terms of goodwill and public trust, if only they attended the proceedings of the Parliament in a meaningful and rational manner, without disrupting and sloganeering, to discuss the Manipur problems. Now, they are now embarking on a fact-finding mission to Manipur that is absolutely suspicious and bereft of any credible reality in finding a lasting solution to the imbroglio, except further vitiate and complicate the situation there.

As the Opposition is demanding the Prime Minister’s presence in the Parliament to give a statement on Manipur; the situation in the state is gradually returning to normalcy; albeit, there are determined efforts by the anti-social and anti-national elements to complicate the situation. Radical groups are constantly firing from their strongholds and from the bordering state of Nagaland with mortar and heavy arms firearms, creating virtually a war-like situation between the security forces and anti-India rebels. The poppy cultivation that is rampant in the state is a serious threat to the society in which foreign agencies from China and Myanmar are actively involved. The state was allowed to drift during the Congress rule, resulting in one group gaining ground to become more anti-national that requires to be corrected whatever it takes in achieving it.

– K R Parvathy,


I.N.D.I.A must win over 'Chandras' to beat NDA

On our political horizon, ‘I.N.D.I.A,‘ a new 26-party alliance is born to take on the NDA alliance in all forthcoming elections. It has given itself a new and catchy name and tomorrow it may come up with some imaginative slogans like," VOTE FOR I.N.D.I.A TO SAVE INDIA,” " I.N.D.I.A MEANS DIVERSITY,” “I.N.D.I.A MEANS DEVELOPMENT,” and so on.

First, they need to cement their union strongly and, secondly, they must launch a full-throated campaign against the Modi government, exposing its glaring omissions and commissions in achieving things like Inclusiveness, nationalism (not Hindutva nationalism), development (of all sections), integrity (in his governance), alleviating poverty and allaying fears of minorities. In a sense the INDIA is born out of Modi's own failures and foibles and now it may make his drawbacks as its rallying points in the campaign.

Though there are stalwarts in it, two 'Chandras' are conspicuous by their absence – Chandrababu Naidu and Chandrashekar Rao. Interestingly, both of these seasoned politicians have many common qualities. Both have proved their prowess as visionary leaders and gained enormous administrative experience and knowledge as CMs. They became the maiden CMs of two new born States and played a key role in the development of them. Both of them are known for their gift of the gab and vice-like hold on their parties. Again both of them once had a truck with the BJP.

Both Chandras can play some decisive roles in the new political equations. In fact, both the NDA alliance and the INDIA alliance are in need of such high profile leaders. In winning over them, the NDA has an edge over the I.N.D.I.A on two counts: Arch-enemies of Congress, KCR and CBN are waiting in the wings to join Modi's team once again.

I.N.D.I.A needs Chandras more than the NDA because the presence of Machiavellian KCR and CBN will definitely make a big difference in the winning prospects of the I.N.D.I.A alliance at least in the South.

– M Somasekhar Prasad, Hyderabad

Pvt, corporate schools bleeding parents

Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I would like to bring to notice the issue of Annual Fee Hike by Schools across Hyderabad and Telangana. The annual fee hike by the schools by more than the recommended 10% is a burning issue today. With the beginning of yet another academic year, schools are fleecing the parents by violating the norms and increasing the fees up to 30%.

Apart from increasing the tuition fees, they collect additional money from the parents in the form of sports fees, cultural fees, library fees and etc. Parents are forced to buy uniforms and books from the school. Transport fees is also hiked. The Hyderabad Schools Parents Association has been protesting against this steep fee hike every year and so also various student organisations like ABVP are supporting the protest. All these protests have been of no avail.

According to the recommendations of Prof Tirupathi Rao Committee, only 10% annual fee hike is allowed for the schools and also the schools have to submit the audit reports and financial details every year to the Telangana education department. But the schools don't seem to follow any rules and regulations and the recommendations have not been strictly implemented by our State education department. This has given the Schools a free hand to act as per their will and the School Managements are turning a blind eye to Parent's concerns. There seems to be no resolution to the Fee Hike issue.

Our State government should step in and form a fee regulatory committee. Schools should also be graded as per the amenities provided by the school and also by the teaching faculty. In Telangana, it is the corporate schools which have an upper hand and control the government machinery. Most of these schools operate out of some buildings and lack playgrounds and other facilities. Yet, they charge huge fees. Our government sanctions recognition to such schools as they are churning out ranks in IIT, NEET and other all India level entrance exams. There is no grading system of schools.

The State government of Telangana should do justice to the parents who are protesting against the fee hike by setting up the fee regulatory committee at the earliest and fix uniform fees across all the schools based on the teaching faculty and facilities available. Education department officials should inspect schools and check their financial details every year. No schools should be allowed a fee hike of more than 10% every year. Erring schools should be dealt with strictly and their recognitions cancelled. It is high time the Government of Telangana brings the elite and the errant corporate schools under its strict vigilance.

– Parimala G Tadas, Hyderabad

I.N.D.I.A gaining pace,

has a long way to go

Power is the ultimate target of all political parties. While the ruling party strives to retain power, the opposition tries its best to come to power. The allout efforts for elections have begun 7 or 8 months ahead of 2024 general elections. While NDA with 38 parties held its meeting in Delhi, the opposition coalition with 26 parties had held its meeting at Bengaluru. While 64 political parties have shown their clear political attitude, there are 6 political parties which are not included in any coalition. BSR, YSRCP, & TDP did not receive invitations to participate in the recently held meetings. There are a number of parties which have no placement in the Lok Sabha. It is astonishing that parties which represent minorities have distanced themselves from these coalition conclaves.

There are several powerful regional parties in the new coalition INDIA whereas in NDA there are many weaker parties encompassing BJP. The year 2024 is crucial for these two coalitions as well as for the nation. Till now, Congress defeated BJP in two States. But it is questionable whether it can defeat BJP in Lok Sabha elections. BJP had regained its power in 2019 in states wherein it lost power in 2018. Hence, the opposition is firm over not repeating such a situation. But election results data and latest surveys are not in favour of the opposition alliance.

The hopes of BJP to step into the South after 2019 have been belied and it had lost power in Karnataka. Hence the Modi wave is not powerful everywhere. By changing UCC issue into an anti-Muslim agenda, INDIA can succeed in winning minority vote-bank. INDIA has announced its support to the demand of the BC community to prepare caste census in order to use the weapon of "freebies" during the coming elections. The success and failure of NDA in 2024 elections depends upon the campaign by INDIA.

– Bh Indu Sekhar,


Urban nightmares due to official apathy

This refers to your editorial "Lawmakers have no time even as it rains woes." Generally, people expect rains only during rainy season, but for the past many years, rains have been pouring down irrespective of season and causing damage to crops, roads and buildings and effecting people. Official indifference to pathetic state of infrastructure adds to the plight of people. Though evacuation of people who are staying near flood-prone areas is done, it is only upto a smaller extent. No steps are taken to desilt and widen nalas, which pose threat of flooding to residential areas. The less said the better about the laying of quality roads. When the government has been receiving taxes every year, is it not their duty to utilise funds for laying good road network and strong infrastructure? No one bothers about quality in public works anymore, and the result is immense hardships to the public. The urban flooding is in contrast to rural floods caused by heavy rains due to unplanned urbanisation. The original built-up area of our cities has been increased exponentially in the past two to three decades. Disastrous planning and corruption at various levels, people are building homes and apartments over lakes, wet lands and riverbeds. In addition, most of the cities go in for sudden and unplanned release of water from dams and lakes without giving enough time to public to handle the flooding problem. In spite of having knowledge of all these things, no politician is bothered. At least from now on, the authorities concerned should see these issues do not recur.

– T S N Rao, Hyderabad

Take cue from Canada, ban animal testing for cosmetics

Through an affirmative action, the Government of Canada has partially banned animal testing in producing cosmetics and shaving creams to safeguard animal safety and rights. The animal testing has been showing downgrade trend across the globe with Canada joining the list sooner after South Korea, Britain, EU had banned it in cosmetics industry. But the law implementation in Canada is tougher if compared with EU. The advocates of animal rights demanded an extension of this law in the field of pesticides and other toxicity tests of various industries. This outdated practice of animal testing can be replaces with bio- engineering methods or lab-grown mini human organs like heart, lungs etc. There are numerous research going on across the globe to replace animals with better methodology with the help of AI, in- vitro treatment and computer technology. This will eventually replace the need of animal testing in near future. For the successful implementation of this programmes, the governments concerned must take both administrative as well as research-oriented steps simultaneously. Firstly, a regular surveillance on the cosmetic and other industries should be kept to check whether they are assuring production without involving animal testing. Secondly, establish a proper coordination with international organizations like International Cooperation of Alternative Test Methods to develop, validate and implement alternative to animal testing.

– Arka Goswami,


CM to meet Nitin Gadkari regarding Bengaluru-Mysuru Expressway

Bengaluru: With accidents on rise on the Bengaluru-Mysuru Expressway, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday said he would meet Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari and point out the flaws on the expressway and changes to be made.

Speaking to reporters after inspecting accident-prone areas of the Expressway near Mandya, Siddaramaiah accused the BJP government of inaugurating it in a hurry ignoring the flaws that was resulting in accidents.

"I am going to Delhi and will meet Gadkari and ask him to rectify things (on the Expressway). A proposal for Rs 150.81 crore has been sent to the Centre for improving the service road," the Chief Minister said. According to him, the work will start from November this year.

To a question on the alleged toll collection going on at those stretches which are still incomplete, the Chief Minister said the state government had no role to play as it is being done by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). "We are not collecting toll but I will speak to them," the Chief Minister said. 

Strong will key to healthy living

The Hans India's 28th July 2023 edition carries a special article titled 'Burgers and Chips bad for Asthma'. It is important to note here that we all want good health and long life, but don't want to give up unhealthy foods. We can, of course, reduce our consumption of fast-food stuff to ensure our weight loss, but are unable to avoid consuming chips, chocolates, burgers, pasta, Maggi or pizza due to late night cravings or during outing with friends. In summers, our consumption is more for carbonate drinks. Junk food is junk, no matter you are eating it in small quantity or in more. Junk food is going to spoil your health and all your exercise will fade away.

If we are taking time out from our busy schedule to work out or to do exercise for our fitness, we need to ensure that we must focus on good diet and avoid junk food. Let's say no to chips, cold drink and other high calories & oily food. Instead let's go for good and balanced diet. Practise exercise and walk twice in a day, and balanced intake of food and good quantity of waters. Eat fruits to satiate hunger pangs, but not junk food. Our good habits ensure our good health and long life. And we all can do it without any problem. All we need is a strong will.

– Kirti Wadhawan, Kanpur



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